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System / Scitech
UniVBE Universal VESA Bios Extension v5.1
Universal VESA BIOS driver, makes super VGA cards compatible with VESA BIOS Extension (VBE 2.0) programming standards so that games, CD-ROMs, utilities and other applications will work properly (and faster) in high resolution modes. It also includes chip detection, power management, monitor centering and compatibility & performance testing utilities. It now supports over 160 different SVGA chips
Utility / Insignia Solutions
Universal SoftPC 2.52
This is Universal SoftPC 2.52. It's Universal in that it'll run on any 68k based Macintosh. There is no PowerPC version of this. It includes MS-DOS 3.30 and a FAT driver for MacOS. It's a very basic PC emulation, limited to a maximum of 640kb of RAM, and CGA graphics. Use the password q520e0i44ek4 to activate. Archive is a zip file with a BinHex archive, with a SEA archive, which then contains discopy 4.2 images. Sorry my only machine that can read 800k disks is ancient.
Communication / Brad
Universal TCPIP Network Bootdisk 6.4
The Universal TCP/IP Network Bootdisk is a DOS bootdisk that provides TCP/IP networking support. It's designed for use in Microsoft networking environments, on either peer-to-peer or domain based LANs. Currently 95 different network card drivers all included, all on the single 1.44MB disk!
Other / Que® Corporation
Upgrading and Repairing PC's 1st Edition
Scott Mueller's 1988 tome on upgrading & repairing IBM compatible machines from 1988. Includes the PC/XT/AT and the new PS/2 models.
System / 1995 PCBoard Favorites
UpLoadProcessor v2.27
UpLoadProcessor v2.27 *** Overall Winner *** of the 1995 PCBoard Favorite Add-on Contest! Detects, processes and converts archives, nested archives and imbedded pathed archives. Also processes selected uncompressed files. Three online modes and three event modes of operation available. Integrated duplication system, ZDCS supported as well. Extremely configurable using a menu-driven system manager.
Utility / Useful Software
Useful Editor 1.6
Useful Editor (Ued) is a small (about 35K), fast, ASCII editor that is suitable for a wide variety of text manipulation tasks. Runs on systems with as little as 128K, runs under DOS 2.x, and easily fits on any floppy disk. It can even use EGA/VGA text modes. Perfect for editing DOS configuration files! Shareware.
Utility / Compaq
User Diagnostics 6.11
ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º C O M P A Q (R) P E R S O N A L C O M P U T E R S º º º º USER DIAGNOSTICS AND SETUP º ºÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĺ º The USER DIAGNOSTICS diskette contains SETUP Version 6.07 and º º TEST Version 6.11. º º º º SETUP initializes the system configuration memory. º º º º TEST identifies and tests the components of your system. º º º º º º º º º º º º º º Select one of the following: º º 1. SETUP º º 2. TEST º º º º º º º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ
Utility / Compaq
User Diagnostics Ver 6.06 093088 Rev.T 6..06
Compaq User Diagnostics diskette image for Compaq 386/25
System / Compaq
User Diagnostics Ver 6.11 051689 Rev.B 6.11 REV B
User Diagnostics and SETUP 1 of 2, INSPECT 2 of 2; both floppies are factory write-protected
USL System V r4.2 v1.0 full pkg set
This is full pkg set of the USL System V r4.2 v1.0 compiled under bochs from the sources: USL System V.4.2 Source Code: usl-4.2-source.tar.gz Broken files are taken from: UnixWare Source Code 7: SCO-UnixWare-7.source.7z 17992 1998-09-22 00:40 ./src/common/X11R5/lib/Xol/PopupWindo.c System V R4 для i386: sysvr4.tar.bz2 468 1993-01-25 23:52 ./src/common/xcpcmd/backup/ 1129 1993-01-26 01:50 ./src/common/cmd/sdb/inc/common/Type.h 602 1993-01-26 01:10 ./src/common/cmd/nadmin.rfs/other/rfs/Help Directory `os-bochs/usl42v10' contains ready to use bochs disks with all packages installed. File `os-bochs/usl42v10/e.usl42v10.txt' contains info about installing under bochs.
OS / Univel
USL System V.4.2 Source Code
Unix Systems Laboratories System V.4.2 Source Code. What eventually developed into Unixware under the tenure of Univel and eventually SCO. One of the most contentious pieces of code in history...
Office / Unknow
Tool for the calculation of structures (beams, trusses, walls, etc.). Spanish.
Utility / Norton Computing
Utilidades Norton 8.0
Imagenes de Diskette de Norton Utilidades 8.0 en Espa?ol y para instalar desde disco duro. Vea Readme.txt en NU8-SP-DCF-TO-HARDDISK.rar
Utility / Herne Data Systems Ltd.
Utility_Belt 1.2
"Add some pizzazz to your batch files! Utility_Belt is a collection of batch file, security and diagnostic utilities designed to give an advanced, professional look to even the simplest of batch files." (shareware)
Utility / UU
UUENCODE UUDECODE for DOS. The final version from the original source.
Communication / Richard Marks
UU-encoding is a way to code a file which may contain any characters into a standard character set that can be reliably sent over diverse networks.
OS / Not specified
V2/OperatingSystem. I really dont have more info, there is a .Nfo file in the zip.
Office / 2.00 for Epson QX-10
Valdocs 2.00 for Epson QX-10
Valdocs is an office suite that was bundled with the Epson QX-10 (and later QX-16) Z80 based computer. It was "WYSIWYG" in that it could display different fonts of different sizes in the editor on the screen. It could also embed images in the document, and print the document to a graphics printer. Valdocs 2 included significant speed improvements over the original Valdocs 1 release - which was heavily criticized for its sluggishness. However Valdocs 2 was released before it was ready and was extremely buggy. Valdocs runs under RSI's TPM-III operating system, which is included on the floppy disks. The system is designed to run from dual floppy drives, but may be installed on a Comprex ComFiler 10 megabyte external hard drive. This version is specifically for the QX-10. This archive contains five 5.25" DSDD TPM-III formatted floppy disk images in ImageDisk, SCP, and Kryoflux formats. The disks are as follows: 01 - Load-Time 02 - Run-Time 03 - Utilities 04 - Demo and Master Help files 05 - Data and Master Help files
Office / Rising Star Industries
Valdocs Plus for Epson QX-10 (5.25)
Valdocs is an office suite that was bundled with the Epson QX-10 (and later QX-16) Z80 based computer. It was "WYSIWYG" in that it could display different fonts of different sizes in the editor on the screen. It could also embed images in the document, and print the document to a graphics printer. Valdocs Plus is an upgrade to Valdocs 2.0 created after Rising Star Industries parted ways with Epson. This version is specifically for the QX-10. This archive contains six 5.25" DSDD TPM-III formatted floppy disk images in ImageDisk, SCP, and Kryoflux formats. 01 - Load 02 - Run 1 03 - Run 2 04 - Utilities 05 - Help 06 - Data
DBMS / Not specified
Valkyrie 2.0 Full 2.0
It is a clipper summer'87 decompiler full version to regenrate source code form EXE files.
Office / Visual Communications Network, Inc.
VCN ExecuVision Graphics Library 1984
This is library 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6 of the six graphics clipart libraries originally sold alongside VCN ExecuVision. Visual Communications Network's ExecuVision was the first business presentation package for the IBM PC. It was targeted at business professionals, and was advertised as a complete graphics art department on a computer. It was also notable for it's clipart collection, which was also a first. Important: These diks are formatted for DOS 1.x and will not open in tools like Winimage. Important: These disk contains copy protection. Although it does not contain program code, the ExecuVision software may refuse to recognize the disk if the protection is not present. You must use a Kryoflux, SCP, or Transcopy to fully re-create the disk. Other programs may be able to use the data files without the protection.
Utility / Drive Industries
Shareware. VCRDBASE is a program used by a person who needs an easy and structured way of keeping track of all the movies he or she has. VCRDBASE requires an IBM PC with 64K, and if you wish to use the Print-Out options, a standard printer which is logically LPT1:. When the program outputs to the printer, it writes to the LST: device so if there seems to be some trouble with your printouts, use the MODE program in DOS to assign logical names or re-direct output as needed.
Utility / E. Meyer
VDE Editor 1.93d
Small, fast, powerful text editor with many unusual word processing features: multiple files, auto format, macros, etc.
Utility / K.Ogino
VEM486 for PC-98 1.29N,1.31β13
Virtual XMS/EMS/VCPI Memory Server VEM486 for NEC PC9801/9821 or EPSON PC386/486
System / VLSI
LIM 4.0 DRIVER // this floppy disk was shipped with my VLSI motherboard MBVLSI-168 (80286 zero wait state board) maybe works with other boards/chipsets too
OS / Vendex/Microsoft
Vendex Head Start DOS 3.2 3.20
These are the system disks of Vendex Head Start System Turbo-888-XT
System / Microsoft/Vendex
Vendex HeadStart Plus System Disks 3.20
Vendex HeadStart Plus System Disks. - MS-DOS 3.20 - Executive Systems HOT filemanager - MyCalc spreadsheet - Paperback Executive Writer
System / Vendex
Vendex Turbo-XT-888 System Disks 3.20
Vendex Turbo-XT-888 complete disk set (6 disks): * Disk 1: System Master 1 * Disk 2: System Master 1 * Disk 3: ATI Skill Builder * Disk 4: Executive Writer * Disk 5: Executive Filer * Disk 6: MyCalc
Games / Virgin Games, Inc
Vengeance of Excalibur
Vengeance of Excalibur. Six 360KB floppies, plus two 1.2Mb floppies for MCGA graphics. Includes manual in PDF format (used for off-disk copy protection).
Office / Ventura Software
Ventura Publisher 1.04 Beta
Ventura Publisher, originally from Xerox, is a professional desktop publishing program for the GEM graphical environment and later Windows. This release includes a runtime version of Digital Research GEM. This archive includes eleven 5.25" floppy disk images. Note: Install requires your "mouse distribution disk" if you select a mouse that uses MOUSE.COM.