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Multimedia / Not specified
Tran Speech Synthesizer
TRAN is a text-to-speech program for the IBM-PC. It can read ASCII text files, translate normal English spelling to phonemes, and sound out each phoneme through the speaker of the IBM-PC.
Games / Silmarils
Transarctica Floppy disquetes 720 KB
Transarctica (or Arctic Baron) is a 1993 computer game made by the French company Silmarils for the Amiga and ported to the PC, Atari ST, Macintosh and Atari Falcon.
Communication / Yellow Computing
Transfile PC Plus 5.5
Transfile PC PLUS verbindet Ihren PC/XT/AT mit Ihrem Sharp PocketComputer. passend für folgende Pocketcomputer: PC 1150 PC 1245/46/57/48/51 PC 1260/61/62/80/85 PC 1350/60/65 PC 1401/02/03/21/25/30/45/50/60/75
Communication / Yellow Computing
Transfile PC-IQ 3.2
Link Software for exchange Data/Backup between PC and IQ Organizers from Sharp. (ZQ-5x00, ZQ-6x00, IQ-7x00 - IQ-8500). German Version. All Setup Files in Zip File included. No need for Disk Image, simply copy the files to a 720k Disk or higher.
Games / Microprose
Transport Tycoon + deluxe version
It is a business simulation game, presented in an isometric view with graphics by Simon Foster, in which the player acts as an entrepreneur in control of a transport company. Version "Deluxe" from 1995 included. Works flawlessly in Dosbox.
Other / INMOS
Transputer C Tools D7314 D7314
C compiler targeting C004-compatible transputer hardware.
Games / The Learning Company
Trasure Mountain 1.0
The Master of Mischief has stolen the crown! Now he wants to take all the magic gold from Treasure Mountain! To stop him, collect hidden treasures and bring them to the castle at the top of the mountain. Contains: (1) 720k disk image in ima format, use WinImage to write to floppy, or mount image in DosBox.
Games / Electronic Zoo
Treasure Trap 1.09
A quite hard underwater puzzle game. Game is similar to some other puzzle games by movement. It's recommended to use DOSBOX because it causes strange control from Windows.
System / Times2 Tech
This product (TREMM) is an Expanded Memory Manager (EMM) designed specifically for use with the TechRAM upgrades on an HP200LX palmtop only.
Games / Infocom
Trinity Release 12
It's the last day of your $599 London vacation. Unfortunately, it's also the first day of World War III. Only seconds remain before an H-bomb vaporizes the city.. and you with it. Unless you escape to another time, another dimension. For every atomic explosion unlocks the door to a secret universe; a plane between fantasy and reality, filled with curious artifacts and governed by its own mischievous logic. You'll criscross time and space as you explore this fascinating universe, learning to control its inexorable power. Trinity leads you an a journey back to the dawn of the atomic age... and puts the course of history in your hands.
Games / PCI Productions
Trivia Savant for IBM PC 1984
This is a simple program where one must guess the answers to trivia questions. Important: This software is copy protected. You must create a disk using the provided ImageDisk file, or use an emulator that supports that format. Protection Type: Misnumbered sector on track 6 Archive contains one 360k 5.25" floppy disk image in ImageDisk format.
Games / Acclaim Entertainment
Trog 3.0
Trog is a cute little Pac-Man-style game with a difference. The object of the game is simple: as a fledgling Tyrannosaurus, you must collect all the eggs on each level to open up the exit to the next. Along the way, you must avoid hungry cavemen who roam the level, as well as other obstacles.. From time to time, a special item appears that you can grab to turn into a giant, menacing Tyrannosaurus Rex. This transformation allows you to eat the cavemen as opposed to avoiding them, and it usually lasts long enough for you to eat them all :) Every few levels or so, the game introduces new elements of surprise, power-ups, and new enemies. Unfortunately, these power-ups make the game a bit too easy, and most people will find it a cakewalk until level 15 or so. Still, the unique sense of humor and "extras" make the game a very enjoyable experience that rivals the arcade version.
System / Misosys Inc.
TRS-80 LDOS v5.31 5.31
LDOS Model 3/4/4D Operating system for the TRS-80 and LOBO MAX computers Files provided in IMD, DMK and HFE formwats
Games / Ariel Arbiser
Truco 5.5
The card game of "truco", a very popular card game in Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay.
System / True BASIC, Inc.
True BASIC 1.0
Released in 1985, True BASIC 1.0 is a powerful BASIC compiler for DOS. This archive contains one 360K floppy disk image.
Games / Chris Crawford
Trust & Betrayal - Legacy of Siboot
The player, an alien creature named Vetvel, must compete with six other acolytes (each a different alien species) for the Shepherdship. Each of these characters has a distinct personality. Each morning, the acolytes wake up knowing one of each of the three "auras" the others possess. They must trade knowledge with each other in order to try to gain enough knowledge for the "mind combat" that takes place every night, which is basically a fancy Rock, Paper, Scissors game that depends on the aura counts for the players involved. The game is won when a player gets eight auras in all three categories. However, in giving away somebody's aura count, the player betrays that person, which angers them and may make them less likely to trade aura counts with the player. Therefore, a player has to know whom to trust and whom to betray, hence the title: Trust & Betrayal. NOTE: ++++++This game doesn't need Dosbox. It starts & runs perfectly in Windows XP SP3 (tested).+++++THE ORIGINAL MANUAL IS INCLUDED (a PDF file). To read it before playing this game is highly recommended+++++ have fun.
Utility / TurboPower Software
TSR Utilities 2.9
TSR Utilities Version 2.9 by Kim Kokkonen of TurboPower Software, release date 5/4/89. The TSR Utilities are a collection of programs useful for managing DOS memory, particularly for managing memory-resident programs, also known as TSR's. Includes 11 programs: MARK - marks a position in memory above which TSR's can be released. RELEASE - removes TSR's from memory. FMARK - performs the same function as MARK but uses less memory. MARKNET - like MARK, but saves a more complete picture of system status. RELNET - removes TSR's marked with MARKNET. WATCH - a TSR itself, it keeps records of other TSR's. DISABLE - disables or reactivates TSR's, leaving them in memory. RAMFREE - shows how much RAM memory is available. MAPMEM - shows what memory resident programs are loaded. DEVICE - shows what device drivers are loaded. EATMEM - uses up memory for controlled program testing.
OS / S&H Computer Systems, Inc.
TSX-Lite 4.11
"TSX-Lite is a full, 32-bit, multi-user O.S. that is DOS compatible and supports 2 users with up to 10 tasks each, background batch jobs, DPMI, virtual memory. Cohabits peacefully with DOS." (shareware)
Communication / Texas Instruments, Inc.
TTY Communications 1.20
TTY Communications is a rudimentary dial up/terminal emulation telecommunications package sold with the Texas Instruments Personal Computer. The TI Professional Computer was a non IBM hardware compatible x86 machine that ran a special adaptation of MS-DOS. Important: This software will not run on an IBM PC or compatible. It will only run on a TI Professional Computer. This archive contains one 5.25" 320k floppy disk image. Note: This disk image uses a sector interleave of 2.
System / Tulip Computers
Tulip Diagnose 1.21 (5,25")
Tulip-DIAGNOSE-versie: 1.21 Disketteformaat:5,25" DD (360 kilobytes) Deze DIAGNOSE is bedoeld voor: - PC Compact 2 - AT Compact (= AT Compact 1) - AT 386 (= AT Compact 386) Met het programma TGVDIA.EXE kunt U een komplete DIAGNOSE-diskette maken op het hierboven aangegeven formaat. Deze diskette bevat niet alleen DIAGNOSE, maar ook een operating system. U kunt dus met deze diskette uw systeem opstarten waarna meteen DIAGNOSE wordt uitgevoerd.
Utility / Tulip Computers
Tulip Diagnose 2.02 (3,5")
VERSIE & FORMAAT: ----------------- Tulip-DIAGNOSE-versie: 2.02 Disketteformaat : 3,5" BEDOELD VOOR: ------------- Deze DIAGNOSE is bedoeld voor: - PC Compact 2 - AT Compact (= AT Compact 1) - AT 386 (= AT Compact 386) - AT Compact 2 Heeft U een ander Tulip-systeem, gebruik dan een andere versie van DIAGNOSE. Op het bulletin-board van de TGV (078 - 14 15 00) vindt U meer informatie hierover. ALGEMEEN: --------- Met het programma TGVDIA.EXE kunt U een komplete DIAGNOSE-diskette maken op het hierboven aangegeven formaat. Deze diskette bevat niet alleen DIAGNOSE, maar ook een operating system. U kunt dus met deze diskette uw systeem opstarten waarna meteen DIAGNOSE wordt uitgevoerd.
Tulip Diagnose 2.02 (5,25")
VERSIE & FORMAAT: ----------------- Tulip-DIAGNOSE-versie: 2.02 Disketteformaat : 5,25" DD (360 kilobytes) BEDOELD VOOR: ------------- Deze DIAGNOSE is bedoeld voor: - PC Compact 2 - AT Compact (= AT Compact 1) - AT 386 (= AT Compact 386) - AT Compact 2 Heeft U een ander Tulip-systeem, gebruik dan een andere versie van DIAGNOSE. ALGEMEEN: --------- Met het programma TGVDIA.EXE kunt U een komplete DIAGNOSE-diskette maken op het hierboven aangegeven formaat. Deze diskette bevat niet alleen DIAGNOSE, maar ook een operating system. U kunt dus met deze diskette uw systeem opstarten waarna meteen DIAGNOSE wordt uitgevoerd.
Tulip Diagnose 2.07 (3,5")
VERSIE & FORMAAT: ----------------- Tulip-DIAGNOSE-versie: 2.07 Disketteformaat : 5,25" DD (360 kilobytes) BEDOELD VOOR: ------------- Deze DIAGNOSE is bedoeld voor: - PC Compact 2 - AT Compact 2 - AT Compact 3 - AT 386 SX - SX Compact 2 - WS 386 SX - AT 386/25 - TR 386/25 - AT 486/25 - TR 486/25 - workstation WS 286 - workstation WS 386 SX - laptop LT 286 Heeft U een ander Tulip-systeem, gebruik dan een andere versie van DIAGNOSE. Op het bulletin-board van de TGV (078 - 14 15 00) vindt U meer informatie hierover. ALGEMEEN: --------- Met het programma TGVDIA.EXE kunt U een komplete DIAGNOSE-diskette maken op het hierboven aangegeven formaat. Deze diskette bevat niet alleen DIAGNOSE, maar ook een operating system. U kunt dus met deze diskette uw systeem opstarten waarna meteen DIAGNOSE wordt uitgevoerd.
Tulip Diagnose 2.07 (5,25")
VERSIE & FORMAAT: ----------------- Tulip-DIAGNOSE-versie: 2.07 Disketteformaat : 5,25" DD (360 kilobytes) BEDOELD VOOR: ------------- Deze DIAGNOSE is bedoeld voor: - PC Compact 2 - AT Compact 2 - AT Compact 3 - AT 386 SX - SX Compact 2 - WS 386 SX - AT 386/25 - TR 386/25 - AT 486/25 - TR 486/25 - workstation WS 286 - workstation WS 386 SX - laptop LT 286 Heeft U een ander Tulip-systeem, gebruik dan een andere versie van DIAGNOSE. Op het bulletin-board van de TGV (078 - 14 15 00) vindt U meer informatie hierover. ALGEMEEN: --------- Met het programma TGVDIA.EXE kunt U een komplete DIAGNOSE-diskette maken op het hierboven aangegeven formaat. Deze diskette bevat niet alleen DIAGNOSE, maar ook een operating system. U kunt dus met deze diskette uw systeem opstarten waarna meteen DIAGNOSE wordt uitgevoerd.
Tulip Diagnose 3.33 (3,5")
VERSIE & FORMAAT: ----------------- Tulip-DIAGNOSE-versie: 3.33 Disketteformaat : 3,5" HD (1,44 megabytes) BEDOELD VOOR: ------------- Deze DIAGNOSE is bedoeld voor alle Tulip VisionLine systemen. Daaronder vallen ook de door ESCOM van eind 1993 tot eind 1994 verkochte modellen Tulip Extend en Tulip Compact. Heeft U een ander Tulip-systeem, gebruik dan een andere versie van DIAGNOSE. Op het bulletin-board van de TGV (078 - 14 15 00) vindt U meer informatie hierover. ALGEMEEN: --------- Met het programma TGVDIA.EXE kunt U een komplete DIAGNOSE-diskette maken op het hierboven aangegeven formaat. Deze diskette bevat niet alleen DIAGNOSE, maar ook een operating system. U kunt dus met deze diskette uw systeem opstarten waarna meteen DIAGNOSE wordt uitgevoerd.
Utility / Tulip Computers
Tulip Info (tlpinf) 1
Dit gecomprimeerde bestand bevat het pogramma TLPINF.EXE, dit hebt u nodig om het level van TC44-moederborden te achterhalen voor het vinden van de juiste flash-BIOS-versie
Utility / Tulip Computers
Tulip SysID (tsysid) 1
Dit gecomprimeerde bestand bevat het pogramma TSYSID, waarmee de moederbord-code van uw computer op het scherm wordt weergeven
Games / California Dreams
Tunnels of Armageddon DOS
A game guiding a prob through tunnels to disable bomb before count down completes. Controls for vertical and horizontal movement and a fire button to open doors and take out buttons.