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Utility / Microsystems
Portest .is a comprensive I/o port diagnostics for pc`s. it is a control will identify ports and their technical information .modify system tables.test the ports to identify and correct problems it will allow you to add additional ports and swap will also display wiring information.
Games / The Disc Company Inc.
Ports of Call 1.2
"Ports of Call" versión EGA, español Es un simulador de comercio naval, que consiste en gestionar una empresa de transporte de mercancias por mar, eligiendo qué materiales transportar, qué barcos comprar o vender, qué crédito pagar...
Games / POW Productions
Powball 2.05
Powball is based on an old game concept which has been re-created many times before. You'll find this incarnation to have much better playability, action, strategy, sound and graphics than any other. The basic idea is to hit a ball with your paddle and knock away bricks until the screen is cleared, whilst trying to keep at least one ball on the screen. But what better introduction can there be other than to dive right in and start playing. So, whadya waitin' for? Powball was originally released to the public as shareware on the 22nd of August 1996, and subsequently re-released by Spectrum Pacific Publishing and Webfoot Games on the the 3rd of June 1997. Now on the 5th of July 2000 Powball is released as Freeware; this means it is free to play and distribute at your leisure but the license agreements remain. Please do not buy this game from any publisher because the authors no longer get any royalties. If you see this game on sale please inform me.
Other / Powerbasic Inc
Power Basic 2.0
PowerBASIC is the brand of several commercial compilers by Venice, Florida-based PowerBASIC Inc. that compile a dialect of the BASIC programming language. The DOS versions have a syntax similar to that of QBasic and QuickBASIC, while the Windows versions utilize a standard BASIC syntax that can be combined with calls to the Windows API similar to other Windows programming languages. The first version was published as BASIC/Z; later it was distributed by Borland as Turbo Basic; and since 1989 it has been known as PowerBASIC
Other / Powerbasic Ince
Power Basic 3.2
PowerBASIC is the brand of several commercial compilers by Venice, Florida-based PowerBASIC Inc. that compile a dialect of the BASIC programming language. The DOS versions have a syntax similar to that of QBasic and QuickBASIC, while the Windows versions utilize a standard BASIC syntax that can be combined with calls to the Windows API similar to other Windows programming languages. The first version was published as BASIC/Z; later it was distributed by Borland as Turbo Basic; and since 1989 it has been known as PowerBASIC
Games / Kogado Studio
Power DoLLS 1: Detachment of Limited Line Service
A classic sci-fi/mecha strategy game with nice anime styled portraits. This is the English version.
Utility / PowerBASIC
Power Graph 1 for Power Basic 3.0 Full Version
Full version of Power Graph 1 for Power Basic 3.0. Create realistic programms in full HD
Utility / PowerBASIC
Power Graph 2 for Power Basic 3.0 Full Version
Full version of Power Graph 2 Utilitys for Power Basic 3.0. Create full realistic programs for all platforms in full hd. It is your first choice
Utility / Jem E. Berkes
Power Menu 1.0b 1.0b
Power Menu is a menu system for IBM PCs and 100% compatible sytems running at least DOS version 2.
Utility / Power
Power Tools 1 for Power Basic 3.0 3
The Power Tools 1 complete for Power Basic V 3.0. Include Demos and full installer. German Version
Utility / PowerBASIC
Power Tools 2 for Power Basic 3.0 Full Version
The Power Tools 2 for Power Basic 3.0 full version include the demonstration files!
Office / Wildfire Technology Inc.
Power Worksheets for 1-2-3
We think you have made a wise choice in buying Lotus 1-2-3. With it, your only obstacles to solving a problem are to supply the data and define the worksheet formulas to analyze it. While we cannot help you supply the data, we can help with the worksheet by giving you, in this package, six predefined worksheets to perform common analyses. Shareware.
System / Spectra
PowerBASIC v2.1 2.1
PowerBASIC programming language environment, full version, in-built compiler
PowerMenu 5.30
This is a registered copy of PowerMenu Version 5.30. Registered to "DOS User" (but you can easily change the name to anything you want with an hex editor). This was set up with the maximum options for users and logging. The supervisor name is "BROWNBAG" and the PW is "MENU;" (press ESC to bypass logging." The manual wasn't clear on how to really set up the logging, maybe someone else has experience?)
Utility / Brown Bag Software
PowerMenu Plus LAN 7.0
This is the last version of PowerMenu by Brown Bag Software. This is the special LAN edition and was bought directly from BBS. Simply unzip it to a floppy disk, run the install (MINSTALL.EXE) program and it will be a fresh installation with your own name (or whatever name you wish). You will have to load SHARE to run the program. ENJOY!
System / Emil Dotchevski
PowerView IDE source code 5.0
Source code of DOS-hosted integrated development environment for Watcom C/C++ programmers.
System / VÚVT
PP-06 diagnostics
Test floppy for VUVT SMEP PP-06
Office / PractiCorp International
PractiWord 1.09
PractiWord is an easy to use word processor that works similarly to WordStar and integrates with PractiCorp's PractiBase database and PractiCalc III spreadsheet. It was lower cost than WordStar and was primarily targeted at home users and small businesses. Supports the IBM PCJr.
Utility / Andy Hakim
Precise Point 1.11
Graphical Mouse Driver. Installs as a dos TSR utility. Transforms the text mode block mouse cursor into a smooth moving graphical pointer. Works with EGA/VGA text mode applications. Now UltraVision compatible.
Games / Titus Interactive
Prehistorik 1
It seems that some of the files are missing (the SoundBlaster driver, for example), so you'll have to select "No Audio", or get the missing files from somewhere else. The configuration included is VGA/No audio/Keyboard. To reconfigure, remove GRAWAGA.CFG and launch HISTORIK.EXE (the game).
Utility / unknown
Prekladac Translator Anglictina Cestina 1
Prekladac Translator Anglictina Cestina
Office / GST Software plc
Pressworks 1.0 (UK English)
Pressworks is an entry level desktop publishing application for 16-bit Microsoft Windows 3.1. It was created by the London-based GST Software, and sold under the name "Pressworks" in the UK. In the US market, it was distributed by Timeworks under the name Publish-it for Windows. Pressworks was also later rebranded by NEBS as Page Magic.