Category: Games

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DOS / Dream something


Spectre DOS/Win31

A 3D-ish wire frame Game disigned for DOS but has a PIF for windows 3.1. This is a light but addictive game.


Windows 9x/ME / Friendware


Speed Haste

Great game. Choose between stock car and formula1. Simple and fun!


DOS / NoriaWorks Interactive


Speed Haste 1.00 CD-ROM Europe

A rare and fun 3D-perspective racing game, with Formula 1 And Stock racing cars. Full version.


DOS / Bitmap Brothers


Speedball 1

Rollerball style DOS game.



Speedball 2

Rollerball style DOS game.


DOS / The Learning Company


Spellbound 1.1

The Master of Mischief is at it again. This time he has devised a great spelling bee in which he will submit robots to win the spelling bee for him! When you first log in, you will be asked to chose a category of words (Holiday, homophones, etc.). You are then brought to a screen with three options: Crisscross, Flash Cards, and Word Search. Crisscross is a sort of crossword puzzle, but instead of clues you just need to figure out where the words go. Flash cards are flash cards… You hear or see a word and then spell it out. Word finder is a grid filled with letters wherein several words are hidden. Once you finish the above you can enter a spelling bee where you face the Master of Mischief and/or his robots. Winning opens up new levels of competition such as Regional or International. from: ""


DOS / Infocom


Spellbreaker Release 87

SPELLBREAKER, the riveting conclusion to the ENCHANTER trilogy, explores the mysterious underpinnings of the Zorkian universe. A world founded on sorcery suddenly finds its magic failing, and only you, leader of the Circle of Enchanters, can uncover and destroy the cause of this paralyzing chaos. The very core of your civilization is under siege, and only a perilous journey through the black foundation of magic itself will yield a chance for survival. And although your triumph over this unknown Evil is uncertain, you must embark without hesitation and prove yourself the worthiest mage in the land.


DOS / Legend Entertainment Company


Spellcasting 101 - Sorcerers Get All The Girls unknown

The text adventure game Spellcasting 101: Sorcerers Get All The Girls is the first installment of the Spellcasting series created by Steve Meretzky during his time at Legend Entertainment. All three games in the series tell the story of young Ernie Eaglebeak, a student at the prestigious Sorcerer University, as he progresses through his studies, learning the arcanes of magic, taking part in student life, and meeting beautiful women.


DOS / Legend Entertainment Company


Spellcasting 201: The Sorcerer's Appliance Unknown

The text adventure game Spellcasting 201: The Sorcerer's Appliance is the second instalment of the Spellcasting series created by Steve Meretzky during his time at Legend Entertainment. All the three games in the series tell the story of young Ernie Eaglebeak, a student at the prestigious Sorcerer University, as he progresses through his studies, learning the arcanes of magic, taking part in student life, occasionally saving the world as he knows it - and last but not least, having his way with any beautiful women he can get his hands on.


DOS / Legend Entertainment Company


Spellcasting 301: Spring Break Unknown

The text adventure game Spellcasting 301: Spring Break is the third and last installment of the Spellcasting series created by Steve Meretzky during his time at Legend Entertainment. All three games in the series tell the story of young Ernie Eaglebeak, a student at the prestigious Sorcerer University, progressing through his studies, learning the arcanes of magic, taking part in student life, occasionally saving the world as he knows it - and last but not least, having his way with any beautiful women he can get his hands on.


DOS / Not specified


Spiderman: Separation Anxiety

Requires 486DX-66 CPU, DOS, 8 MEG RAM, 15 MEG HD This is exactly like the SNES/SEGA versions, plays the same with the same graphics. This is in the line of Final Fight, a side scrolling beatem'up Only Thing missing from the CD is the animations..


DOS / Wisdom Tree


Spiritual Warfare

Well, I suppose it's not really for DOS, considering it was only released on NES...


Windows 3.x / KidsSoft


Spooky Kids Typing

Spooky, a talkative ghost who lives in the attic of an all-American home, uses humor and games to teach kids how to type. Built-in intelligence enables him to continuously create new lessons based on your child's typing accuracy and speed. Starting with simple lessons that teach the location of the keys, your child will advance through exercises and games that challenge problem areas. Printable reports allow you to track progress!


DOS / Ken Goodman


Springer 1.0

Another strong chess simulator with more levels of difficulty


DOS / Microsoft


Spryjinks Beta 0.92

The game is very simple in concept: Does anyone out there remember an old atari 2600 game called 'quick step'? Probably not, at least I haven't met anyone other than my brother who does. Spryjinx is the result of what started as an attempt to bring back what i consider a classic, then i got 'creative' and made it my own by adding a lot of my ideas to it. It also has some similarities to 'q-bert' which you may or may not remember. This game is just about as simple, but has all the fun of head-to-head play. Supports two-player and AI opponents.


DOS / Piero Tofy


SPY 1.0

Find the spies among the soldiers. More and more difficult as you level up ...


DOS / Soleau



Pac Man Clone constisting of squares only


DOS / Accolade


Star Control n/a

Star Control is a science fiction video game developed by Toys for Bob and published by Accolade in 1990. It was originally was released for DOS and Amiga in 1990, followed by a Mega Drive/Genesis port in 1991. Simple ported versions were also released for the Commodore 64, Amstrad CPC and ZX Spectrum. A sequel was released in 1992.


DOS / Legend Entertainment


Star Control 3

Run setsound.exe and set digital audio to none - it was removed for the rip and must be set to off for the game to work. sc3.exe to play the game.


DOS / Arsys


Star Cruiser 2 for PC98 N/A

This is the PC-98 version of Star Cruiser 2.


DOS / Arsys


Star Cruiser for PC98 N/A

This is the PC-98 version of Star Cruiser.


Windows 9x/ME / SSI


star general

Very good game with the same graphics engine of Panzer General, but with improved graphics. This time, you must choose between seven races of aliens and complete their missions and battles in space. Very good for those who like the genre!


Windows XP / Small Rockets


Star Monkey 1

Star Monkey is a shareware space shooter game that follows the legacy of such classics as Raiden, Aero Fighters, etc. The plotline is inconsequential, and involves aliens that try to do something bad and which you must blow up. You'll battle waves after waves of enemy ships and monsters and confront huge end-level bosses while collecting power-ups and raking up points in your little but powerful ship. The game uses a 3D engine which boasts several graphical gimmicks like 32-bit color depths, colored lighting, dynamic shadows, etc. There's no multiplayer support, but you can upload your scores to Small Rocket's website and have them ranked against other fellow star monkeys


DOS / Star Trek Fans


Star Trek

Super Star Trek is quite possibly the best of the "Star Trek" games from the 1970's. Of course, it does not make use of graphics, or even assume a video display, but it still an interesting game to play, particularly for those of us who don't have the reflexes we used to and prefer a more cerebral computer game. Of course, Star Trek and it's characters are trademarks of Paramount Studios, Inc. And just like the original game, written by Star Trek fans who were also the, back then, rare breed of computer geek, isn't used with permission but with admiration of the show. The DOS version requires a 80386 or better. Since source code is available, Super Star Trek can be compiled for virtually any system having a C compiler and sufficient memory for execution (which isn't much by today's standards!) I would suggest using the linux.c file as a starting point for customizing to any given operating system, including Microsoft Windows. The Windows Console has been recompiled using Visual Studio and now works better. All versions have an executable program as well as a documentation file, SST.DOC. The SST.DOC file must be in the same directory/folder as the program is run from in order to view the documentation from within the game with the HELP command.


DOS / Mike Mayfield


Star Trek 1.0

Text-based Star Trek game -- non-super version.


OS/2 / Star Trek Fans


Star Trek OS/2

The OS specification would not allow me to post this as an OS/2 program, so I put it under DOS. Super Star Trek is quite possibly the best of the "Star Trek" games from the 1970's. Of course, it does not make use of graphics, or even assume a video display, but it still an interesting game to play, particularly for those of us who don't have the reflexes we used to and prefer a more cerebral computer game. Of course, Star Trek and it's characters are trademarks of Paramount Studios, Inc. And just like the original game, written by Star Trek fans who were also the, back then, rare breed of computer geek, isn't used with permission but with admiration of the show. The DOS version requires a 80386 or better. Since source code is available, Super Star Trek can be compiled for virtually any system having a C compiler and sufficient memory for execution (which isn't much by today's standards!) I would suggest using the linux.c file as a starting point for customizing to any given operating system, including Microsoft Windows. The Windows Console has been recompiled using Visual Studio and now works better. All versions have an executable program as well as a documentation file, SST.DOC. The SST.DOC file must be in the same directory/folder as the program is run from in order to view the documentation from within the game with the HELP command.


DOS / Interplay Productions, Inc


Star Trek 25th Anniversy

Space... the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise. Its 5-year mission: To seek out new life and new civilizations, to explore brave new worlds, to boldly go where no one has gone before. Based on the 1960s Star Trek TV Series, Captain Kirk and the USS Enterprise are representatives of the United Federation of Planets. Their role in space is that of explorers as well as a military presence. The Enterprise routinely encounters strange adventures and bizarre situations, each laid out as a separate "episode" which must be played in order. The first episode involves the USS Enterprise being called to a world to investigate strange "demons" have appeared from the mines and begun attacking the settlers. - Moby Games


DOS / Simon&Schuster


Star Trek The Kobayashi Alternative


DOS / Not specified


star trek: 25th aniversary


DOS / Not specified


Star Trek: 25th Anniversary


DOS / Interplay


Star Trek: 25th Anniversary


DOS / Interplay Productions


Star Trek: 25th Anniversary 1.0

No Trekker should be without it. Manual in .pdf.


DOS / Interplay


Star Trek: Judgment Rites

"Sequel to the award-winning Star Trek: 25th Anniversary, Judgment Rites brings back the entire Enterprise crew in 8 all new episodes. Strange things are happening in distant space, such as dead planets spawning life and WW1 planes in outer space. You need to survive these situations. You must navigate your way through space, and send away teams onto planets to investigate situations, communicate with other characters and solve puzzles. Unlike the previous game, action sequences are optional" - Moby Games.


DOS / Simon & Schuster, Inc. (Software)


Star Trek: The Rebel Universe 1.0


DOS / Brøderbund


Star Wars

Star Wars is a first-person rail shooter designed by Mike Hally and released as an arcade video game in 1983 by Atari, Inc. It uses 3D color vector graphics to simulate the assault on the Death Star from the 1977 film Star Wars. There are three connected gameplay sequences: combat against TIE fighters in space, flying across the surface of the Death Star, and the final trench run. The sequence then repeats with added complications and the Death Star regenerating. The player's X-Wing fighter has a shield which only protects against damage a certain number of times, then the next hit ends the game. Speech synthesis emulates actors from the film. Developed during the golden age of arcade games, Star Wars has been included on lists of the greatest video games of all time. Home ports were published by Parker Brothers, Domark, and Broderbund


DOS / Software Toolworks, Inc


Star Wars Chess

A chess game where the pieces are characters from the Star Wars universe! When pieces are taken, an animated battle is shown.


Windows XP / LucasArts Entertainment Company


Star wars jedi knight dark forces

iso. optional: use XL engine release 0.2 + OpenAL32-


Windows 9x/ME / Lucasarts


Star Wars Rogue Squadron 3D

Star Wars Rogue Squadron 3D with PDF manual included. Purchased in '04.


DOS / Lucas Arts



Space flight simulator/space combat computer game, is the sequel to Star Wars: X-Wing. (when asked, type anything to bypass game protection, at the start)


DOS / LucasArts Entertainment


Star Wars Tie Fighter - Defender of the Empire


DOS / Lucas Arts


Star Wars X-WING

"One of the greatest flight simulator titles" (when asked, type anything to bypass game protection, at the start)


DOS / LucasArts Entertainment


Star Wars: TIE Fighter Collector's CD-ROM (ISO image) 1.0

TIE Fighter Collector's CD-ROM, split into 5 .rar sub-parts. Download all files to the same folder, select TIECD.part01, and extract using WinRAR (the other parts automatically combine to form the ISO image). Please consider buying the game from if you enjoy this. On modern machines, you will need DOSBox to run this (the GOG version handles all of this for you). You will absolutely need a joystick. Any joystick will work, and DOSBox offers a range of configuration options for joysticks. I use a Logitech Extreme3D pro, or any USB game pad with an analog stick. For older/vintage DOS/Windows 9x systems, you'll need a standard game port/MIDI port (usually on your sound card--typically a SoundBlaster or compatible), and a game port/MIDI port joystick, such as a Gravis Blackhawk.


DOS / LucasArts Entertainment


Star Wars: X-Wing Collector's CD-ROM (ISO image) 1.0

X-Wing Collector's CD-ROM in ISO-9660 format. Contains all original game content. On modern systems, this works great in DOSBox. On older/vintage systems, you will need a 386/486 or better with 4 MB of RAM. Runs great in Windows 95/98. If you like this, please consider purchasing the game from (if you buy it at the right time, you can get it when it's on sale for under $1).


Windows 9x/ME / LucasArts Entertainment Company


Star Wars: Yoda stories 1.0 NOTE: It seems to work also on Windows NT/2000, XP and 7.


DOS / Infocom


Starcross Release 17

STARCROSS, Infocom's science fiction mind-bender, launches you headlong into the year 2186 and the depths of space. And not without good reason, four you are destined to rendezvous with a gargantuan starship from the outer fringes of the galaxy. Upon docking with the strange craft, you must succeed in gaining entry to its mysterious interior. Once within, you will encounter a microcosm of the galaxy, peopled with both harmful and helpful beings. But the great starship serves a far larger purpose than mere cultural exchange. It bears a challenge that was issued eons ago, from light-years away- and only you can meet it.


DOS / Binary System




DOS / Logotron


Stargoose Warrior

This game is a top-down space shooter. It includes 3.5" 720KB disk (Disk Image) from original disks. (No modifed, No error) I attached alternate disk too.


DOS / Infocom


Stationfall Release 107

What a trotting krip! Since your incredible heroics in Planetfall, where you risked life and limb to save the planet Resida, things have hardly changed at all. Sure, you were promoted to Lieutenant First Class, but this only meant that your dull life of cleaning grotch cages was replaced by an equally dull life of paperwork. Now you've got another assignment tailor- made for a grotchbrain: pilot a spacetruck to a nearby station to pick up a load of trivial forms. Trot and double trot! But all is not lost. By a happy twist of fate, your companion for the journey is your old pal Floyd! That's right, it's the same mischievous little robot, crayons and paddleball at the ready, who was your helpful buddy in Planetfall. Getting to the space station is easy. But once there, you find it strangely deserted. Even the seedy space village surrounding the station is missing its ragtag tenants. A spooky alien ship carrying only an empty pedestal rests in a docking bay. An ostrich and an Arcturian balloon creature are found, abandoned but in perfect health. The commander's log describes the mysterious breakdown of machinery, demonstrated by a roving hull-welder who seems bent on your destruction. And finally even Floyd begins acting oddly...


DOS / Silicon Knights


Steel Empire 1.0

The game has two basic components. The first requires the player to engage in Risk-like strategic decision-making with the goal of conquering the given land mass. The player raises cyborg armies to accomplish this goal. During the second basic component of the game, the top-down battle mode, players can choose to assume manual control of one cyborg in their army during offensive or defensive battle sessions, or let the computer simulate the battle behind the scenes to much more predictable outcomes. This allows players to play only the Risk-style board game component of the game. The opposite, battles only, is also possible


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