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Games / Microprose
F-15 Strike Eagle III Diskette Version Update Disk 4108.03
Update disk image for F-15 Strike Eagle III.
Games / Eletronic Arts
F-16 Combat Pilot Enhanced 1.1
Does not require install, just run in DOS "efalcon.exe". First combat flight simulator to have a dynamic campaign environment. This is the Enhanced version 4x bigger than the standard with almost 1Mb!
Games / Microprose
F-19 435.01
Microprose's First Version of what later was the F-117 Stealth Fighter Simulator
Games / ?
F-19 Stealth Fighter
Use keyboard british to play. To do that, make a .Bat file and put it in C:\ keyb br cd f-19 f19 cd..
F-19 Stealth Fighter 4.3502
It is Airforce flight simulator
Games / Microprose
F-19 Stealth Fighter v435.04 435.04
3.5" 720 KB original disk .img file ( DISK1, DISK2, CrackedDISK1 ) 4 MAP .jpg plus Keyboard overlay .jpg file. Changes for Version 4 --------------------- The promotion sequence has been corrected and now agrees with the manual. The lockup on certain clones, particularly Lazers, has been fixed. The divide overflow problem on certain clones/joystick cards has been fixed. Mobile SAMs are now treated as SAMs (as documented) and not as bunkers. A low altitude pull-up warning has been added to Realistic flight. Missions with carrier landings and takeoffs work. The autopilot problem associated with wide-angle views has been corrected. CGA cockpit color usage has been improved. The AdLib sound board is now supported. Tandy sounds have been improved. The Carlsbad bridge under the mountain has been fixed. The Alt-H control for the Pitch Ladder has been added.
System / FUJITSU
F-BASIC86 HG for FM series 1.2 L31
This FD image contains F-BASIC V3, F-BASIC V3 should be run on plain dos environment.(can't run on TOWNS SYSTEM command mode)
Utility / Frisk Software
F-PROT 2.28b
F-PROT anti-virus package for DOS. This version contains information on viruses (was removed from the later versions).
Utility / Frisk Software
F-Prot 3.16f and virus definitions 20090204 (latest I could find 3.16f
F-Prot 3.16f (last available DOS version) with virus definitions updated to 20090204 (last definitions I could find). You'll need to run with the /old switch to force using outdated definitions, and if you don't have a floppy drive, use /nofloppy as well. H/T:
Utility / F-Prot
F-Prot Antivirus 3.16f
Last updated version of F-Prot Antivirus for DOS Password: Fpr0t File is Compressed because Virus-Database can found as a Virus
Games / Microprose
F19 Stealth Fighter
-19 Stealth Fighter is a combat flight simulator released in 1988 ,In the game, the player takes on the role of a pilot flying missions of varying difficulty over four geographic locations: Libya, the Persian Gulf, the North Cape, and Central Europe. The player was immersed in a Cold War era battlefield, flying missions against Iranian, Libyan, Soviet or Warsaw Pact opponents. The game can be played under conditions of conventional warfare, limited warfare, or cold war (in the latter, even being detected by the enemy could lead to a major diplomatic incident). Allowing the player to choose appropriate ordnance from a wide range of realistic armaments, the game set standards for realism and authenticity in military aviation simulations, and was noted for the convincing behaviour of AI controlled units such as enemy aircraft, SAM sites and radar stations. These would behave in accordance with the situation - patrolling at first, but launching into a highly aggressive search if the player was detected. Other impressive features of the game were the highly realistic system of radar detection, where the player's varying radar signature was visually compared with the energy of incoming radar pulses at different ranges and powers, and a well thought-out variety of endings appropriate to the outcome of each mission. These include the player being rescued by an V-22 Osprey, a Pravda newspaper headline proclaiming the capture of the pilot, or an outraged ally or neutral nation protesting the destruction of their aircraft. The pilot roster in the pre-game menu keeps track of the missions, rank, score and medals awarded to each player. Pilot fatalities are permanent, which contributes to the extended campaign feeling of the game.
Games / Delphine Software International
Fade to Black 1.0
This is the sequel to Flashback: the Quest for Identity. You take control of Conrad, the hero from "Flashback," who has been imprisoned by his old enemy, the Morphs. Gaining the trust and assistance of the mysterious Ancients, Conrad must fight off the Morph invasion, not knowing who he can trust... Fade to Black uses fully polygonal graphics for both character models and environment. The camera changes angles depending on the location of the player character, like in Alone in the Dark games. Conrad can use various weapons to eliminate the enemies, and will also have to solve some puzzles on the way.
Games / Telarium
Fahrenheit 451 1.0
Fahrenheit 451 is a computer strategy game released in 1984 based on the novel of the same name by Ray Bradbury. Originally released by software company Trillium, it was re-released in 1985 under the company name's new name Telarium. The player's goal is to help Guy Montag, the main character from the novel, to evade the authorities and make contact with an underground movement. As Bradbury himself contributed to the game, such as by writing the prologue and responses of the game's intelligent computer "Ray", it can be played as at least a semi-canonical sequel to the original novel. -MANUAL INCLUDED INSIDE THE FOLDER (TXT-File)-
Utility / Ingo Warnke
FakeCD 1.0
Simulates a CD-ROM drive with a directory of a hard drive. Don't need to load a CD-ROM driver or MSCDEX. (also works in Win3.x)
FakeCD 1.3a
FakeCD is a programm that simulates a CD-ROM with a directory of a HD.
Games / Spectrum HoloByte
Falcon 3.0 3.0
Does not require install, just run in DOS "falcon3.exe". Game with flight dynamics from a real military simulator. Require math coprocessor to enable the high fidelity flight mode. Not playable on computers slower than a 386. Recommended configuration: 33 MHz 486.
Games / Codemasters
Fantastic Dizzy (Demo) ?
Great new platformer featuring Dizzy the egg. This playable demo has a three minute run of the main game, and you can play any of the sub-games for as long as you want.
Games / step up
fantasy pak ibm pc/xt/at/ series
four games .dungeons of kroz.wumpus hunter.night bomber.asteroud resque.
Multimedia / Broderbund Software
Allows the user to create short vector graphics animations frame-by-frame using mouse, keyboard, or other device. The software then uses morphing technology to generate frames in-between the user-created frames, allowing complex animations to be created without the requirement that every frame be drawn by the user.
Multimedia / Broderbund
Fantavision was an animation program written for the Apple II personal computer series in 1985. It was subsequently ported to other platforms such as the Commodore Amiga (198?), Apple IIGS (1987) and the IBM PC (1988). It allowed the user to create short vector graphics animations frame-by-frame using a mouse, keyboard, or other device. The software would then use a primitive morphing technology to generate frames in-between the user-created frames, allowing complex animations to be created without the requirement that every frame be drawn by the user. Because this was done in real-time, it allowed for creative exploration and quick changes.
Office / Innovative Software, Inc
Fast Graphs 1.1
Fast Graphs is a graphing/charting program that supports CGA graphics. It runs on an IBM PC or compatibles running DOS 1.1x or DOS 2.x. This release was part of a bundle included with Columbia Data Products computers, the first IBM PC hardware clone. This archive contains one 320k disk image in raw IMG, ImageDisk, Teledisk, and CopyIIPC+Snatchit format. There appears to be no copy protection. Note that this disk is formatted for DOS 1.1x, which WinImage does not support. Interestingly, this disk contains a version "1.17" of
System / Peter Campbell
FAST programming language 2.67
Avesome and innovative programming language and compiler. Language syntax is based mainly on BASIC, but borrows good constructs from C and even pascal. Contains high level functions that do low level jobs like port I/O, interrupt calling, timer reprogramming etc. Machine code can be inlined, unfortunately not by using assembly syntax, but by inlining the code byte by byte. The compiler is about 35 Kb and depends on no other file. It understands more than 200 commands and functions including memory manipulation, file handling, direct screen handling, graphics, sound etc. It produces very tight and standalone .com files. Meaningful tasks can be fulfilled in only few hundred bytes of compiled code! The compiler is not dull at all, can process complex expressions and even handles 32-bit long integer math. The package contains quite good documentation. I wish I got to know the author! Then I'd persuade him to release the compiler sources under some open source license! UNFAST.EXE is a selfextracting PKZIP package, which unextracts to the current directory.
Utility / Fifth Generation Systems
Fastback Plus 1.00
Fastback Plus, by Fifth Generation Systems, Inc, is a backup utility for DOS. Its key feature is that it can read and write both a floppy disk and hard disk at the same time by making use of dual-channel DMA. Archive includes one 5.25 360k floppy disk image and pdf manual.
Fastback Plus 1.01
Fastback Plus, by Fifth Generation Systems, Inc, is a backup utility for DOS. Its key feature is that it can read and write both a floppy disk and hard disk at the same time by making use of dual-channel DMA. Archive includes one 5.25 360k floppy disk image.