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System / Sydex
RainDOS 1.12
RainDOS is a device driver which supports reading and writing of MS-DOS diskettes from Digital Equipment Corporation's Rainbow tm series computers on PC XT- or AT-compatible machines. Under DOS 3.2, the utilities FORMAT, DISKCOPY and DISKCOMP are supported, as well as normal DOS read and write operations. To use RainDOS, your computer must be PC AT-, XT- or IBM Personal System/2 compatible. Computers such as the Tandy 2000 or the Zenith Z-150 are not suitable because of their relative incompatibility. Further, your computer must be equipped with either a 5.25" high-density (1.2 Megabyte) or 5.25" "quad" density drive, such as the Teac 55F. The diskette adapter on your computer must match the diskette drive characteristics. That is, a high-density drive must be used with a high-density adapter. Many manufacturers, such as Western Digital, produce high-density diskette adapters for XT-style computers, and these may be used successfully with RainDOS. Currently, we support only the first (or primary) diskette adapter in a system. RainDOS IS NOT FREE SOFTWARE, but rather, user-supported "Shareware". That is, if you find it useful, you must register - more details are given in the documentation file.
Utility / Ramathibodi Hospital
Rama SpellCheck Professional 2.1
Thai Word Processor includes a Thai Spelling Checker. Support auto Thai/English language switch. VGA Only.
System / Hanover Systems
RAMIT! 1.51
RAMIT! is a TSR which can improve disk transfer speed on 16 bit machines which are forced for one reason or another to use an 8 bit disk controller card and use the on-card ROM BIOS. It does this by copying the ROM in to faster RAM. Once installed, you may wish to run Spinrite to adjust for better interleave if possible.
Utility / Raytronics
Ramplus utility 1.0
Raytronics Ramplus 8 bit PC/XT Ram, Clock, Serial and parallel card. Common card type to bump PC/XT ram to 640K. Full disk set of utilities that come wit the card.
Games / Wesson International
Rapcon 1.01
Good military air traffic controller simulation with digitized sound. Works without problem in Dosbox. Use F1 / Alt-F1 for help
Games / IBM
Rapid Assault
System Requirements: DOS 6.0, 386/50 MHZ or 486/33 MHZ, 4 MB RAM, VGA Graphics, Sound Blaster or Compatible Sound Card, CD-ROM 2X Drive, Mouse, And Optional Joystick.
DBMS / Ashton-Tate (Borland)
RapidFile 1.2
RapidFile est le nom d'un programme de base de données de fichier plat publié à la fin des années 1980 afin de fonctionner sur les ordinateurs personnels avec le système d'exploitation DOS. Bien que commercialisé comme un produit très simple, il est en fait très polyvalent si vous prenez la peine d'apprendre à connaître ce qu'il est capable de faire.
Games / Apogee
Raptor Call of the Shadows
Raptor Call of the Shadows - a 1994 shoot 'n up DOS Game
Raptor Call of the Shadows unknown
This is the FULL VERSION with all levels, not the DEMO. Installation instructions: 1. Create a new directory (example c:\raptor) 2. Copy the raptor.exe in this directory 3. Execute raptor.exe. The file is self-extracting
Games / Apogee Software
raptor: Call of the Shadows 1.2 (Registered!)
This game is vertically-scrolling shoot 'em up. It includes 3.5" 1.44MB 3 disks and Installer files.
Utility / Eugene Roschal
RAR 1.40.2 beta
One of earlier versions of RAR. RAR.EXE's modification date says March 20, 1994. There is a SFX inside the zip file, which extracts to the same folder the SFX is in by default.
RAR 2.04
File compression utility.
RAR 2.50
RAR for DOS 16 bit real mode archiver.
Utility / MSI
Rawcopy PC v1.0 1.0
Rawcopy removes the old verification where you would have to look at a certain word on a certain page in the instruction manual on many games. If you ever lost your old decoder, this will help you.
Utility / RAY
RAYXTMFM.EXE is a DOS program that can be used in support of MFM/RLL type hard drive controllers and drives on PC or XT class computers. Presently, RAYXTMFM does the following: • Looks for a BIOS expansion ROM starting at address C8000. (C8000 is the normal address for the ROM on an XT-class MFM/RLL type hard drive controller.) • Identifies the motherboard class (PC/XT/AT). • Attempts to identify the motherboard BIOS. • Looks for and reports on certain problems. • Performs some INT 13h functions. more info:
System / MicroTronics
Razzle Dazzle 1.2
RAZZLE DAZZLE 1.2 by MicroTronics Built on September 22, 1996 The file is a self extracting archive, run it or use a ZIP utility to open it.
DBMS / Microrim
RBase 2.0
R:BASE's powerful database engine lets you query large amounts of data that other applications can't handle. Format: 360k Imaged: Winimaged Disks: 11 Disk labels (first nine are app, plus two additional) Main Disks: 1 thru 4: SYSTEM DISK 1 thru SYSTEM DISK 4 5: GATEWAY/UTILITIES DISK 1 6: GATEWAY/UTILITIES DISK 2 7: SAMPLES DISK 8: DEVELOPERS EXPRESS DISK 1 9: DEVELOPERS EXPRESS DISK 2 Additional disks: NETWORK ADMINISTRATOR DISK TUTORIAL DISK OS: PC-DOS 2.0+ CPU: XT/AT or better RAM: 384K free Video: any Hardrive: 4Mb free space Mouse: Sound: Install Notes: Insert System Disk 1 and run Install.exe Notes: This is the first full system release of R:Base. Released in '87 and may show problems on drives bigger than 500Mb. The only docs are the Tutorial can be run without installing R:Base, just run Tutorial.exe on the Tutorial disk. When asked to change directories go ahead and follow what it says as it's a 'virtual' tutorial and will demo thru w/o R:Base installed.
DBMS / Microrim, Inc
RBase 5000 1.01
R:Base, from Microrim and first released in 1983, was a popular relational database that competed with Ashton Tate's dBASE product.
DBMS / Microrim, Inc.
RBase 5000 V1.01
System Requirements: - DOS 2.0 or higher - 237k ram avail. AFTER system configuration. A Minimum of 320K ram is recommended. - A hard disk drive and one floppy disk drive. or - Two double-sided, double-density 5.25 inch floppy-disk drives. A hard disk system and a printer are recommended.
Communication / D. Thomas Mack
RBBS-PC is a Remote Bulletin Board System for the IBM personal computer, hence the name RBBS-PC. RBBS-PC's primary application is a "host" communications package. This allows a System Operator (SysOp) to set up a computer that lets "remote" callers use it for many functions, including: - the dissemination of news and bulletins - electronic mail between users - exchange of programs and data - taking surveys and placing on-line purchase orders - or playing games. RBBS-PC is a "full featured" bulletin board system that not only supports a broad range of functions, but runs "multi-user" under networks and multi-taskers. RBBS-PC can also run as a "local" application in which the "user" does not connect through a telephone line, such as on a local area network.
Other / Ralf Brown
RBIL - Ralf Brown's Interrupt List - The x86 Interrupt List Release 61, 16jul00
The x86 Interrupt List aka "Ralf Brown's Interrupt List", "RBIL" The interrupt list is a comprehensive listing of interrupt calls, I/O ports, memory locations, far-call interfaces, and more for IBM PCs and compatible machines, both documented and undocumented. Nearly eight megabytes of information in ASCII text files! FTP.CS.CMU.EDU
Other / Not specified
RDIC English/German-Hungarian Bidirectional Dictionary 2.0
TSR dictionary containing about 20000 words and expressions/language pair. Features some advanced search methods.
Utility / Michael Roche, AA2LS
Scans memory area where BIOS ROMs are located on IBM PC/XT computers, beginning at C800:0000h (every 2KB). Displays the HEX address & size of each BIOS ROM and also creates a BINARY file of the ROM.