QuickMenu 3.1

Category: Utility
Year: 1998
Manufacturer: NeoSoft
Localization: EN

Files to download

#4144[DOS Application] Neosoft - QuickMenu 3.1 - Installation Distribution Disks.zip511.6 KB0xB1CE1914

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On Sunday June 2, 2024 hyperkiun said:

OK i think i got it to work now, but my fonts are scrambled for the GUI (i thought it was a licensing lock) The fonts for the icons are fine. Its the same as described here:
Does anyone have the file mentioned there , the qm3update ? I cant register in that forum :S

On Sunday June 2, 2024 hyperkiun said:

The included serial does not work for me :S

On Saturday August 2, 2008 dBase programer (guest) said:

I used to use an earlier version of this great program for clients who were not comfortable with computers. It provided a useful buffer between them and the command line. I am happy to see it available here, I had lost track of it.

On Thursday July 10, 2008 guest (guest) said:

a quick launch menu system for dos computers. may work with mouse.

On Monday April 28, 2008 computerdummy (guest) said:

QuiickMenu 3.1 is a DOS program that, more or less, is a cheap, Windows 3.0 substitute.
it was developed by a California company for a desktop computer in the 16MHz range that was sold on one of the shopping channels.
One can build icons to other popular DOS based programs as well as to create macros etc.
It works but doesn't have all of the bells and whistles of Window 3.0.
I never thought I would see this program again. I still have the program on my archive drive.

On Thursday January 3, 2008 guest (guest) said:

Gives a GUI menu for DOS applications. I use to use it. No need to type in commands to execute programs. Just click. :-)

On Thursday August 16, 2007 guest (guest) said:

Great GUI for Dos, used to use it back in the early 90's

On Wednesday June 13, 2007 guest (guest) said:

Can't download. Everything I click on gives "Cannot Prepare file requested"

On Monday May 14, 2007 Ralph Smole (guest) said:

The finest GUI for Dos ever made! I use it and have done so since 1998!! GET THIS NOW!!

On Tuesday April 24, 2007 Daveyk (guest) said:

DOS Shell / WFW replacement. Allows creation of menus, icons, etc to run programs. Essentially a pretty front end to DOS.