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DOS / DynamiX
Stellar 7
Gir Draxon, Supreme Overlord of the evil Arcturan Empire, is preparing to launch an attack on Earth. As Commander of Terran Forces assigned to protect the planet, your mission is to reach the Arcturan star system and destroy Draxon before he can assemble his forces and capture Earth. To help combat the powerful Arcturan Armada, Terran High Command has placed you at the controls of the Raven, Earth's most sophisticated fighting machine. From the command seat of the Raven, you must face Arcturan forces in seven different star systems. If you sucessfully destroy enough of the enemy forces in one star system, a Guardian will appear. If the Guardian is battled and defeated a Warp Link will appear. Drive into the Warp Link to transport yourself into the next star system. Upon reaching the seventh system, Arcturus, you must locate and destroy Gir Draxon's flagship. Should you succeed, Earth will be saved. Failure will leave your home planet defenseless against Draxon's assault and guarantee Earth's destruction!
DOS / Capcom
Street Fighter
You are Ryu, a Street Fighter. Your goal is to travel to 5 countries (Japan, USA, England, China and Thailand) and beat 2 enemies at each of them. Many of these characters, such as Adon, Gen, and Birdie, are later seen in the Street Fighter Alpha series. After each country you will have the chance to get additional points in a little bonus round, a feature seen later in most Street Fighter games. The final boss in the game is Sagat, who is the second to the last boss in Street Fighter 2. The goal is to become the greatest fighter in the world. As with most tournament fighting games once you have defeated the boss the game will reset and start from the beginning with a harder difficulty level. It is possible to start a two player game but there will be only one fight (between the two players) which will determine who will travel the globe to fight the computer controlled opponents.
DOS / P.Z.Karen Co. Development Group and Logical Design Works
Street Rod
Street Rod was released in 1989 and takes place in the year 1963. Equipped with a garage and a small amount of cash ($750), you buy a used car from the classifieds in a newspaper and embark on a journey to rise through the ranks by winning races against other racers. Using money you earn through races you can modify your car and eventually winning enough races earns you the right to challenge The King for his position.
DOS / P.Z.Karen Co. Development Group and Logical Design Works
Street Rod 2: The Next Generation
nterface is thankfully the same as the first but that's where the similarity ends. More is the name here, more cars and parts to buy giving you every edge to regain your crown. Gameplay is it's most significant thing that you will ever remember in this classic. Gameplay control is really tight. You're given 3 venues to race your blood thirsty opponent, betting for money and pink slips. The drag race tests how fast you can engage 1st gear. You're ultimate goal is to beat the new king on these three courses that if you do you get to regain your long lost crown and take home his girl, again.
DOS / Accolade
Strike Aces
Flight-sim set in a bombing competition (in the first person).
DOS / Rage Software
"Awful" looking football (i.e., soccer) game, so fun it was hard to resist. Must load "polka" settings to get the right squad colours. Choose keyboard settings and play!
DOS / Rage Software
Striker `95 is a sports game (football) released by Time Warner Interactive Ltd. Friendly gameplay, graphics and sound.
DOS / Mindscape
Stunts 4D Sports Driving
Stunts (also known as 4D Sports Driving) is an early 3D racing video game developed by Distinctive Software, Inc.. The game places emphasis on racing on the stunt tracks and features a track editor.
DOS / Windmill software
Wasn't able to play in Dosbox, just for archive. Your task is to make a border around a bunch of sticks which are moving around. When you enclose 80% of the area you move on to the next level.
DOS / Digital Illusions
SUB BATTLE Simulator 1.50
Exciting WWII Submarine action. In both the Pacific and Alantic theatres. Supports CGA/EGA/VGA/Monochrome. Ms-dos 3.3+. Sound blaster/adlib/covox/PAS supported. Joystick support. 720kb diskette.
Windows XP / Criterion Games
Sub Culture 1
Sub Culture is a submarine action/adventure computer game, developed by Criterion Games and published by Ubi Soft.
DOS / Hudson Soft
Super Mario Bros. Special 1.0
Jogo para PC88, raro e escroto. Controles: Z e X Pulam e Usam poderes. 4 e 6: Movem o personagem.
Windows 9x/ME / Hermitgames
Super Mario Pac 1.1
Super Mario Pac is one of the best Super Mario clones for PC you will likely find. This is not only because it remains faithful to the simple-yet-addictive gameplay of Nintend
Super Munchers 1.0
Fun new addition to the "Munchers" series. The Muncher can become a "Super Muncher" and beat up the troggles. All kinds of trivia can be found in this educational game. This is the floppy version.
DOS / The Learning Company
Super Solvers Outnumbered!
A fun educational game designed to help with math and problem solving. You must investigate the Shady Glen television station and find clues to lead you to the Master of Mischief. This zip includes all of the original installation files from the disk.
DOS / Educational Game
Super Solvers Treasure Cove Final
Swim Underwater and collect the missing treasure to restore the power to the leprochauns and form the rainbow
DOS / The Learning Company
Super Solvers Treasure Mountain! 1.0
Zip file contains two 360k 5.25" floppy disk images in IMG format as well as the actual files from each disk and jpg photo of each disk.
DOS / The Learning Co., Inc.
Super Solvers: Ancient Empires 1.0
An old and obscure educational/puzzle game that may have been stumbled upon during the heydays of DOS games, whose name may have been inadvertently forgotten.
Super Solvers: Gizmos & Gadgets 1.01
Build vehicles to race against Morty Maxwell. A good Engineering & Physics beginner's course for young children.
Windows NT/2000 / SST
Super Star Trek 1
Text based star trek game based on 1979 game with the same name recoded to work on modern OS' zip file includes instructions
BeOS / New Breed Software
Super Tux 0.0.0
"Super Tux" is a game similar to Super Mario Bros. Run and jump through multiple worlds, fighting off enemies by jumping on them or bumping them from below. Grab upgrades and Linux distributions on the way.