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DOS / Activision
Die Hard
Action, you can shoot at various angles and go through different tough levels.
DOS / BlueByte
Die Siedler 1.1
The Settlers - Strategy Game by Volker Wertich (1995) Needs DOS or DOSBOX.
DOS / Blue Byte Software GmbH
Die Siedler 2 Gold Edition 1.51
Die Siedler II: Veni Vidi Vici + Die Siedler II: Missions CD + Kompletter Weltatlas + 130 Fan-made custom maps
DOS / Windmill AJ Software
Digger 1.0
"Digger was originally created by Windmill software in 1983 and released as a copy-protected, bootable 5.25" floppy disk for the IBM PC/XT. As it requires a genuine CGA card, it didn't work on modern PCs. In 1998 a new version was created by Andrew Jenner which runs on all PCs with CGA or better and, whilst retaining all the atmosphere and playability of the original"
Dino Ball 1
Dino Balls gives you a lesson in dinosouri history. Playing the game reminds me of bubble bobble. After shooting the ball into pieces small objects are falling which you can pick up and use...
DinoPark Tycoon
This is not your ordinary amusement park but a dinosaur park. You start off with $5000 which is borrowed from the bank. The game doesn't just limit itself to buying a few dinosaurs, but also having to buy land (there are three types of land on wich you can build your park), fence it properly (there is even an option to buy electrical fences) and hire maintenance men since you don't want your dinos to escape. You also have to buy food for your over-sized attractions. There are dinosaurs that eat only meat, and there are others who eat only vegetables. Luckily the game comes with an encyclopaedia of all the dinosaurs available, which comes in pretty handy. Your task will be to buy dinosaurs and facilities, maintain them properly, and keep the visitors entertained for the cheapest possible entrance price.
DOS / Perfect 10 Productions
DiscWorld 1.0
First adventure made by Terry Pratchett famous "Disc World" novels. You are hapless wizard Rincewind that failed even first year of learning. But it's only you who can prevent total destruction of capital city of Ankh-Morpork by fearsome dragon. Game loosely based on novel "Guards! Guards!", but have story tuned here and there, as there is different protagonist now. Some cameos of different other Discworld novels here as well. It is point-n-click adventure with standard routine "combine everything with everything and search every pixel on screen". Floppy-version, without voices.
DOS / Psygnosis
Discworld 1.0 (15EA of 3.5" 1.44MB Diskimage) All dumped disks are perfect. (No error, No modified)
DOS / eoredson
DNDBBS v5.0a r2.0a
The Dungeons And Dragons Bulletin Board Service Text Adventure System Tweak Kit
DOS / Dinamic
Don Quijote 1.0
Don Quijote es juego de texto o aventura conversacional basado en el libro "El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha" de Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra.
Donkey 1.10
A Driving game in which you have to avoid the donkeys while retaining high-speed. It came bundled with IBM PC-DOS. Executable Version Compiled with QuickBasic.
Donkey Source Code 1.10
QuickBasic Source Code for the Donkey Driving game bundled with PC-DOS.
DOS / id Software
DOOM 0.3 pre-alpha
This is the long-rumored v0.3 alpha, built by id Software on February 28, 1993, almost one month later than the v0.2 tech demo and 2 months earlier than the much further progressed v0.4. Notable features include several maps in their earliest known forms and a fully functional on-screen automap. Though apparently never released to id's alpha testers, this build was sent to several industry professionals for comment and review, whereby it has been successfully preserved. It much more fully displays the DOOM engine in its earliest state than the tech demo, with an internal architecture significantly different and less advanced than later builds. Crashes will be common, especially when walking over two-sided lines. The README file promises a more proper release to follow in two weeks, but such a release is not presently known to exist.
DOS / id Software
Doom 1.1
This is the first commercial release of DOOM, with the best sound support!.. From here it was patch city and just broke stuff left & right.
Doom Knee-Deep in the Dead
Doom: Knee-Deep in the Dead
Doom Shareware
This is the shareware version.
DOS / id Software
DooM v1.2j1.0
Ported to the PC-98 by Infinity Co., LTD Im going to include a CD-ROM image, and diskette images, and NekoProject 21 to run it for all you emulator fans.
DOS / id Software
Doom (Full Version)
Full version of DOOM. I had to split it into 2 archives. Unzip it by extracting "Part1" only. You will need WinRAR to unzip the files.
DOS / id Software
DOOM 0.2 (Prototype)(Technology Preview) 0.2
from Readme.txt This is a pre-alpha version of DOOM from early February 1993 -- only 2 months of work had been done to this point.
DOS / ID Software/Apogee
Doom 1 + 2 wads Last
DOOM Episode 1: Yahoos Burning ============================== Here is a completely new episode for DOOM. All episodes can be completed without cheating. Only the best pwad releases were include in EPISODE5.WAD Thanks to all the pimply kids who have time to put these quality wads out!
DOS / id Software
Doom 1.2 FD 1.2 FD
Doom is the original fully immersive 3-D first person shooter from ID software. This archive contains 4 3.5" 1.44MB floppy images.
DOS / ID/Sybex
Doom 1.25 Shareware Sybex edition 1.25
DOOM Episode One Shareware version - Companion Disk for The Official DOOM Survivor's Strategies & Secrets ISBN 1546-2. 1994 Sybex Inc. This is a rare Version 1.25 created by Sybex. It is basically 1.2 with a newer sound support library.
DOS / id Software
Doom 2 1
DOOM II, the DOOM II logo and DOOM II likenesses are trademarks of id Software, inc.,(C)1994. GT Interactive is a trademark of Goodtimes Entertainment. IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines, inc. Sound Blaster is a registered trademark of Creative Labs, inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective companies.
DOS / id Software
Doom II : Hell on Earth
Sequel to one of the greatest first-person shooters ever made. In more ways than one, it tops the original.
Doom II : Hell on Earth 2
Doom II: Hell on Earth is a first-person shooter video game, the second title of id Software's Doom franchise. It was originally released for MS-DOS computers in 1994 and Macintosh computers in 1995.
DOS / Nathan C Lineback
This is an update fix to the executable for Sim City Urban Renewal Kit for Sim City 2000. I have had Sim City 2000 for DOS on my computer forever but I have not needed to use SCURK since the days of my Pentium 200. I was surprised an annoyed the other day when I discovered that it didn't want to run on my computer. First it said I didn't have enough memory - it reported that I had a negative amount of RAM! I got around that with a special command line parameter but then it refused to recognize the VESA support for my Voodoo 5 (VESA 3 compatible) card. I figured that was a glitch in the detection code so I had at it with a hex editor, found, and squashed the problem. This version should now recognize all of the same VESA compatible cards (only tested on my computer) as SC2000. And as a bonus I permanently disabled the faulty memory check. First you must already have Sim City Urban Renewal Kit / Sim City 2000 for DOS installed on your hard drive. This executable will do nothing without that. Download the file, and extract the file munge.exe in to your installation folder over the old one. I do not guarantee this will work or help anyone else but it did get the program running on my computer again.
DOS / Grubi
DOSSPIELE-Sammlung - verschieden
Eine Sammlung verschiedener kleiner Dos-Spiele, sehr schön aufbereitet.