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On Monday January 24, 2022 Jesusallah said:
This image no longer boots in VirtualBox.
On Thursday March 19, 2015 Wild Eep said:
On Wednesday January 14, 2015 puppydogging said: > On Thursday July 31, 2014 al tracker said: > > Unfortunately, Win31/Dos622 programs run at host's CPU Speed. > > There is no way to slow down the client system in VirtualBox. > > Can only limit CPU usage of Dos on host, but this does not limit CPU speed. > > Of course, this may not be a problem on many Dos/Win31 programs. > > Actually, you can drastically reduce the CPU load Hi puppydogging@, I realise that English may be a second language to you. If so, please don't see this as criticism. Your response to al tracker@ indicates you didn't correctly read the point (s)he made. al tracker@ said the HOST makes the GUEST very/too FAST. puppydogging@ replied as if al tracker@ had said the GUEST makes the HOST CPU very/too BUSY. al tracker@ said the guest CPU runs at the host CPU's clock speed. For example, here we have an OS designed to run on DX (20MHz) to DX4 (100MHz) setup with a hardware Turbo button present for the explicit purpose of REDUCING the CPU clock speed to 4.77MHz. Now, instead of running at 20MHz, the OS is forced to execute at 3900MHz instead (or whatever speed your modern AMD64 host CPU runs at). While DOSBox allows you to configure guest CPU speed, VirtualBox doesn't. al tracker@ and I agree; this is likely no problem for many DOS/Win3.x programs. But for some, it is. I could play PacMan at 4.77MHz using the Turbo button. At native 20MHz, PacMan rounds ended in death after less than a second; I could perhaps turn three or four corners. At 3900MHz, you can imagine what would happen. See here for further details:
On Tuesday January 13, 2015 puppydogging said:
Actually, you can drastically reduce the CPU load so that it doesn't use an entire core by installing DOSIDLE (to reduce the DOS load) and then WQGHLT (to reduce the Windows load), both of which are on this website. I hope that helps!
On Thursday July 31, 2014 al tracker said:
Unfortunately, Win31/Dos622 programs run at host's CPU Speed. There is no way to slow down the client system in VirtualBox. Can only limit CPU usage of Dos on host, but this does not limit CPU speed. Of course, this may not be a problem on many Dos/Win31 programs.
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