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On Friday January 10, 2014 Andrey Aleksanyants said:
This archive contains files from VB1 installed directory, not the original setup files. Also, there are some user created files which should be removed from the archive. The software itself works normally, hovewer it would be better if someone could provide the original setup files instead.
On Monday February 23, 2009 Hobbes said:
This is Microsoft Visual Basic 1.00 from 1991.
On Wednesday October 31, 2007 Scot (guest) said:
Don't run setup.exe. Just unpack to your desired directory and run vb.exe.
On Sunday October 22, 2006 pescri (guest) said:
The original Visual Basic IN ONLY A 1,44MB diskette!!! if you're a programmer, you need it!
On Sunday April 30, 2006 Speedabandon said:
Design Windows Applications quick and easy! It has a code Similar to QuickBasic but Designs a GUI and GUI Functions so you would have less to program! Also it can be handy for developing distrubutible software or for your own needs!
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