Sidekick for Windows 2.0

Category: Office
Year: 1997
Manufacturer: Starfish Software
Localization: EN
OS: Windows 3.x

Files to download

#3475Sidekick2.0.zip1.3 MB0x319558CE

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On Tuesday February 17, 2015 JD Pfeiffer said:

It wouldn't download properly for me. Some files had not been decoded properly so Adobe Reader says.

On Monday October 6, 2014 Alex McFlane said:

This works on 32bit versions including Windows 8, but not 64bit

On Thursday September 18, 2014 Moneem said:

window8 is not allowing this programme to work. event it stops its installation.

On Wednesday April 7, 2010  said:

I appreciate your service. Recenty download the program SK2 an its works fine. Thanks a lot.

On Wednesday March 11, 2009 mark90 said:

Works fine with XP, going install this on win2000

On Wednesday April 9, 2008 guest (guest) said:

This software is a PIM-personal Information manager

On Saturday February 16, 2008 guest (guest) said:

It is a user customizable calendar printer for a day planner

On Saturday February 16, 2008 guest (guest) said:

It is a user customizable calendar printer for a day planner

On Thursday January 24, 2008 guest (guest) said:

Probably the best PIM before Outlook and Lotus took over

On Tuesday December 4, 2007 guest (guest) said:

umm i bearly trust this page

On Saturday November 10, 2007 guest (guest) said:

This is a PIM. Similar to Lotus Organizer

On Monday May 14, 2007 Phil Brookshire (guest) said:

Great calendar: appts (1time recurring), to do, calls, goals. Pop-up reminders, single and multi-date events, etc.
Much better than Outlook. I still use it on xp.

On Thursday February 1, 2007 guest (guest) said:

sidekick was a great daytimer, calender, contact list program, the appearance was just like a desktop daytimer/organiser. made outlook et al look like crap. easy to use, customizable, wish it would come back

On Thursday August 31, 2006 Mr.Oizo (guest) said:

This one was my first Windows Organizer/PIM. Found it to be quite similar to Lotus Organizer.

On Sunday August 6, 2006 guest (guest) said:

It's an organizer