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On Saturday March 30, 2019 FlaggerFive said:
This is the UK English version.
On Saturday October 28, 2017 madhu said:
Guys, After lot of searching I found the true PM5 software.This is not fake. You just do not know how to install. The install procedure is very tricky. Download all (10) rar files. Extract them all. Now make a single folder PM5-installer, copy all content of rar01 into this. Next copy all content from rar02 into this, so on till all 10 rar files. NOTE: If any folder is already present in PM5-installer folder while copying, then do not replace it. Instead copy the contents of it. Copy content of all 10 rar files in to PM5-installer folder. Now run the ADLSETUP.exe file. Provide all necessary details.Once it asks for the installtion drive(A:), there give the path of PM5-installer folder. Thats it.
On Wednesday May 18, 2016 Chris Walker said:
Installing this version of PageMaker in Windows 95 installation actually works, no errors!! (installed Windows 95 in Virtual Box, lots of good instructions on how to do that online too) Added all the PM5 disk files to a single .ISO file then was able to mount it inside of virtual Win95 then followed RockingRobins instructions below. Yay!
On Monday May 16, 2016 Chris Walker said:
Installing on Windows 3.1, everythinig goes smoothly just as RockingRobin suggests, but then i get an error with ALDIM3.DLL "Failed to Load" tried installing with Italian version and get the same error. Hmm, maybe something with my virtual machine?
On Wednesday November 18, 2015 books said:
If anyone has successfully installed it. Please upload an exe file. Use pickme app to create exe if possible. I want to install it on windows xp.
On Tuesday September 29, 2015 rockinrobbins13 said:
It all works. There are some gymnastics you need to do. Everything you need is in the disk 1 files--the others are duplicates of all the disks 2 through the end. First, in the root directory of your hard drive create a directory called PM5INST. Into it copy all the files from disk 1. Then execute ALDSETUP.EXE. It will go on its merry way and then give you an error message xxxxx.xx missing, tell me where to find it. At that point just copy all the files from DISK2 into PM5INST. Now just hit OK on the error box and wait for the next error message. Copy DISK3 files into PM5INST. On error message copy next disk into the PM5INST directory. No deletions necessary and when it asks to overwrite say yes for each disk. It's as if you are inserting each disk in turn and continuing. Everything installs great. No, they are not fake files.
On Monday March 23, 2015 selvakumar.M said:
how to install ?please help me
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