CD-DVD Mastering software using cdImageGUI 1.00

Category: Utility
Year: 2016
Description:CD-DVD Mastering software using cdImageGUI 1.00 Contents: CDIMAGE 2.47 - 2001 cdImageGUI 1.00 - 2016 OSCDIMG 2.56 - 2019 For years, certainly since the SR1 release of Microsoft Office 2000, Microsoft has used a command-line tool it calls "CDIMAGE.EXE" to master it's software. It is a robust, Standards conforming CD and DVD authoring tool, with 100% user control over what features and standards of ISO 9660, Joliet, UDF and el Torito are applied. The problem isn't getting your hands on CDIMAGE - or it's replacement OSCDIMAGE - the problem is it is a command-lne only tool, and that's a whole lot of switches and options to remember and key in by hand. In 2016, Coder "AyrA" developed a front-end - a GUI - for CDIMAGE, and it presents every feature in an extremely well-coded, small(37.5KB), Windows 32bit executable. And, although AyrA coded his front-end for CDIMAGE.EXE, he reports it will work with OSCDIMG.EXE (just rename). Place both CDIMAGE.EXE and cdImageGUI.exe in the same directory, then click on cdImageGUI.exe - and you are rocking a fantastic app.-AppleSeed 2024
Manufacturer: AyrA
Localization: EN
OS: Windows XP

Files to download

#24140cdImageGUI_all.zip1.7 MB0xD93E501C

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