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On Thursday February 20, 2020 jamesbond2008 said:
Is it not possible to run this on PCEM?
On Friday September 29, 2017 Joe Mlogs said:
To install, the install program looks for files in the directory DISK1 Rename the folder containing the files to DISK1 and then run install and it will work just fine. After installing you can remove the DISK1 directory if you want to save space. Great games!
On Monday June 13, 2016 MJBay86 said:
I had trouble loading at first, then I switched the folder that the files were in to have the name DISK1 and everything worked like a charm. So much awesome nostalgia coming back with this pack!
On Saturday June 6, 2015 iShotZz YT said:
Just saying, I had no problem installing this on DOSBox Win 3.1. Yay, Chip's Challenge!
If you want to run this, install Windows 3.1 on your computer.... or use DOSBox.
On Friday August 2, 2013 said:
can't run setup.exe, after i completed all the file extensions,what to do next? Box pops up and says: cannot find required initialization file: ...\GAMES\BOWEP.MS_
On Thursday December 6, 2012 seamus mcgunkle said:
The setup wouldn't work for me; this is what you have to do: 1) Use the EXPAND command to decompress everything. If you have Win 3.1, it's in the Windows directory. Just use "EXPAND *.??_" and specify a different output directory. 2) After expanding, rename the files. EXPAND's rename option (-r) doesn't work; it just strips the underscore from the extension. (Go ahead and use it if you're too lazy to output to a second directory.) It's fairly straightforward- the .ex_ files (or .ex if you used -r) need renamed to .exe; .hl_ is .hlp, .da_ is .dat, .in_ is .ini, and .ms_ is .msi. If you do these things, you should have working EXEs. These at least work in Win 3.1; I didn't test them in anything newer.
On Tuesday September 11, 2012 colemurray89 said:
can't get it work any tips?
On Monday April 23, 2012 Nelson ?lvarez said:
The last letter of each file extention was deleted (Example: .ex_ instead of .exe). Impossible to install unless you rename the files and complete the extentions.
On Saturday January 14, 2012 Oscar Perez said:
wont read vbrun100.dll
On Sunday February 28, 2010 said:
works great, to install first copy all the file's to a directory within the unrar-ed directory call the directory 'disk1' and install
On Thursday December 31, 2009 lw_wesley said:
"setup cant open file vbrun100.dl" why????
On Tuesday December 29, 2009 patrik said:
Very fun games!!! works on win 2000 pro!
On Friday June 12, 2009 said:
The games contained here are Chip's Challenge; Dr. Black Jack; FreeCell; Golf; JezzBall; Pipe Dream; Rodent's Revenge; SkiFree; Taipei; TetraVex; Tetris; TriPeaks; Tut's Tomb.
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