muLISP-83 4.11

Category: Other
Year: 1984
Description:LISP interpeter with lessons and examples
Manufacturer: The SOFT WAREHOUSE
Localization: EN

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#12443MuLISP.zip109.5 KB0xE25C7313

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On Friday October 25, 2024 Martin.Hepperle said:

Ah, oh, sorry for the confusion - this version is O.K.
Instead of "+" it uses "PLUS", i.e. my example should read
(PLUS 1 2)
Input is case sensitive - later versions like muLISP-86, -87, -90 have been changed to be insensitive to case and to use the "+" for addition.


On Friday October 25, 2024 Martin.Hepperle said:

This version seems to be incomplete.
It can be started, but any LISP command leads to an error.
For example
(+ 1 2)
should return 3, bur crashes the system.
It looks like the *.SYS file for muLISP is missing or has been removed from