Titus - Eric Zmiro Uncrunchers Pack

Category: Utility
Year: 1990
Description:Collection of uncrunchers both cracked & uncracked for unpacking (.SQZ) executables. * Fire & Forget II * Dick Tracy (ERIC ZMIRO CODE LOADER & DECRUNCHER - November, 1990) * The Blues Brothers/CC III/LAC (Eric ZMIRO Uncruncher III - Aug, 1991) * 10 Great Games & Quik (Eric ZMIRO Uncruncher IV - Sept, 1994) * 10 Awesome Games & Quik (Eric ZMIRO Uncruncher IV - Sept, 1994)
Manufacturer: Titus Software Corporation
Localization: EN

Files to download

#24098e-zmiro-uncruncher.zip20.8 KB0x13268DC4

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