Text602 (T602) 2.05

Category: Office
Year: 1991
Description:Text602 (also abbreviated T602) is a Czechoslovak WYSIWYG type word processor for IBM PC computers compatible with the DOS operating system, very widespread especially in the first half of the nineties. It enables both deployment in a computer network, and - without other auxiliary programs - working with characters of national alphabets (mainly Czech and Slovak, but also German or Cyrillic) and several different keyboard maps. Runnable even on XT-class computers, Text602 works in graphics mode. Brief history Text editor Text602 version 1.00 (1989) The first version of the processor was created even before November 1989 in the circles of the former 602nd basic organization Svazarm in Prague, bringing together people interested in personal computers. Jaromír Šiška, Richard Kaucký[p. 1] and Martin Šiška. Later the development was taken over by the company they founded, Software602.
Manufacturer: Software602
Localization: CZ

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#23952Text602 v2.05.zip506.3 KB0xD6ABE4CF

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