Q&A 3.02

Category: DBMS
Year: 1988
Description:Q&A is a low end flat-file database manager that includes a word processor and a natural language query and reporting interface. While the package is forms-based like Professional File, it is more sophisticated and powerful. Version 3.0 adds record locking, enabling use in multi-user environments. Minimum requirements: IBM PC/XT/AT DOS 2.0 512 KB RAM
Manufacturer: Symantec
Localization: EN

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#14880QandA 3.02 (5.25).zip1.1 MB0xF4688A4

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On Tuesday November 28, 2023 LogicprObe said:

Steve Sherman - I may even have a spare one but I'm in Australia. It is 4.0, by memory but most things work the same. 4.0 was multi-user.

On Friday December 24, 2021 Steve Sherman said:

does any one have a users manual? i have forgotten how to export dats

On Saturday October 29, 2016 wizman said:

This was another fine product developed by others, purchased by Symantec, only to quietly placed on death row.
Works amazingly well.