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Haec sententia nil esse. - Juliano Vetus, site founder
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On Thursday December 14, 2023 delme1980 said:
Contains installed files and a FAT image: qa1.exe qadfont.ovl qa.dis qafax1.ovl qaia1.ovl qaia2.ovl qalabel.ovl qamain.dct qaprint.cfg qaqg.ovl qaspell.ovl qasql1.ovl qasql2.ovl qasqlg1.ovl qasqlg2.ovl qathes.dct qathes.ovl qav4.img -> 4.546.560 bytes qaw4w04f.exe qaw4w04t.exe qaw4w05f.exe qaw4w05t.exe qaw4w07f.exe qaw4w07t.exe qaw4w08f.exe qaw4w08t.exe qaw4w10f.exe qaw4w10t.exe qaw4w15f.exe qaw4w15t.exe qaw4w23f.exe qaw4w23t.exe The qav4.img is a fat-image that contains again the same files and some incomplete but the qav4.img inside this is smaller (2MB) and incomplete. Please learn to use a packer programm.
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