PC-Install Super Combo 5.0

Category: Utility
Year: 1996
Manufacturer: 20/20 Software
Localization: EN
OS: Windows 9x/ME

Files to download

#22602pcinstl.zip3.6 MB0x7DBEDFFF

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On Sunday March 2, 2025 PPeti66x said:

"in __ESD0.TMP" "PC-Install v4.0 for DOS" (Oct 23, 1996) - NOT ACCESSIBLE!
"INSTALL.TXT" "PC-Install v5.0 for Windows" (Nov 20, 1996)
"PCI5-MAN.PDF" "PDF documentation" for both 4.0 and 5.0
"PCI5_LIC.TXT" license agreement file
"INSTALL.TXT" some distribution info
"SUPER.PKG" empty temporary file
The "__ESD0.TMP" is an installer temporary file that contains both Windows + DOS version and the PDF file. All files except the Windows installer are encoded by a variant of LZSS algorythm.
The identical DOS version can be found here: https://vetusware.com/download​/PC-Install 4.0/?id=17016
All other files are included in unpacked form, so the files "__ESD0.TMP" and "SUPER.PKG" can be safely removed.
It is unknown to me that the 5.0 is the "Professional" or "Normal" variant. By setup files seems that it is the "Professional", but the executed program nowhere mentioned that.