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On Wednesday February 1, 2023 Tom E Stickler said:
I maintain a PC-File database running in an MSDOS window on an old laptop running Windows95. Recently the PCFILE.PIF was altered by mistake. Can anyone send me a PCFILE.PIF dated 86/01/01?
On Wednesday June 4, 2014 Chris Kruszelnicki said:
I have used PC-File 3.0 for almost 30 years without a problem, starting with Windows 3.x. I have recently had to upgrade from a Windows XP computer to a new PC running Windows 8.1 and now cannot run PC-File on my new computer. I downloaded version 7.0 but Windows blocks the program. I may just have to keep my old Windows XP laptop to run PC-File 3.0 and wait until a solution turns up.
On Thursday October 1, 2009 Norman Glew said:
PC file was my second shareware prog' back in '85 it was allways a great program right from that version 1.0 This one (v7.0} was, I believe, the last and the best. I still use it everyday running under XP. I have never had any problems with it and being a DOS app' it runs fast and is small enough to take anywhere. It is clean and very functional, uninhibited by the frippery so common of today's bloatware. (Oct 2009)
On Saturday February 14, 2009 PCXT said:
There are 3 programs inside: - PC File 7 - Approach for Windows - GEM 3.13 and 9 disks full of GEM programs.
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