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On Wednesday July 1, 2020 admin sysop said:
You can install it in a 64bit OS, you will have to find a correct setup.exe that is not 16bit. I have one if you need it.
On Thursday February 9, 2017 dosprog said:
Lilip, it's impossible to install NCW2 under Windows 64-bit. It's WIN16 NE program, 16-bit programs not supported at x64 operating systems.
On Saturday February 27, 2016 Lilip said:
Do you know how to install this NC under Windows 10 64bit? I've tried all compatibility modes, but no success.
On Friday January 11, 2013 said:
Download worked ok for me. Seems to be the real deal. This version is a native 32-bit application that runs on Win9x.
On Wednesday November 10, 2010 Bethel visual said:
This download works. I erroneously reported as a fake. My apologies!
On Monday August 17, 2009 CW2K said:
...ah I see I comment was cut off because I used the [ISSmallerChar](yes that char that is also used to start a HTML Tag) without to 'close' it with a [ISGreaterChar]. So here is real part 2/2 Original: Sourcecode snipped: SendMessageA( HWnd, WM_CHAR,Key, (lKeyData_low LSHIFT 16) | lKeyData_high ) Patch: Sourcecode snipped: SendMessageA( HWnd, WM_CHAR,Key, lKeyData_low | (lKeyData_high LSHIFT 16) ) Original Asm: 00334B4F 8B4C24 18 MOV ECX, [ESP+18] ; lKeyData_low (repeat count) 00334B53 8B5424 1C MOV EDX, [ESP+1C] ; lKeyData_high (ALT key pressed,previous key state, Releasestate ) 00334B57 81E1 FFFF0000 AND ECX, 0FFFF ; Set high 16Bit Part of ECX to 0000 00334B5D 81E2 FFFF0000 AND EDX, 0FFFF ; Set high 16Bit Part of EDX to 0000 00334B63 C1E1 10 SHL ECX, 10 ; Shift Low 16 bits part up to high 16 bits part 00334B66 8B40 1C MOV EAX, [EAX+1C] 00334B69 0BCA OR ECX, EDX ; Combine / 'OR' Low and High 16 bit part together 00334B6B 51 PUSH ECX ; lKeyData 00334B6C 56 PUSH ESI ; Key 00334B6D 68 02010000 PUSH 102 ; WM_CHAR 00334B72 50 PUSH EAX ; HWnd 00334B73 FFD7 CALL EDI ; SendMessageA Patch Asm: 00334B63 C1E2 10 SHL EDX, 10 ; Shift high 16 bits up I make a patch doing this: ^ Can be downloaded only 10 times !!! Please reUpload this somewhere else (or again at Rapidshare) if you DL this.
so here is Part 2/3 Original sourcecode snipped: SendMessageA( HWnd, WM_CHAR,Key, (lKeyData_low
There is a Bug that will come up on Windows XP SP2 and higher When the cursor is is not blinking in the commandline Textbox and you press a key it get's repeated several times. For example each time you press '1' , '11' will occure in the commandline when you press '2' you get '222' '3' gives '333' 'L' gives 'LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL' and so on. To fix this open 'NC_MAIN.dll' in Hexeditor an replace all C1 E1 10 8B 40 1C with ?? E2 ?? ?? ?? ?? Background: The Bug is present in all versions of 'NC for Win' but didn't take effect, since Windows didn't care about the 'repeat count' parameter in the WM_CHAR Message. Probably that's why the bug wasn't noticed even by the programmers. In SP2 Mircosoft fixed that issue with the WM_CHAR repeat count parameter in user32.dll(ntdll.dll or were every) and so the bug got visible. Sourcecode snipped: SendMessageA( HWnd, WM_CHAR,Key, (lKeyData_low
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