MPEGPlayer V3.35 3.35

Category: Multimedia
Year: 1999
Description: MPEGPlayer shareware, by Jiao shanwu Jiao System, Ltd. (C) 97-1999
Manufacturer: Jiao System, Ltd.
Localization: EN
OS: Windows 9x/ME

Files to download

#19198MPEGPlay.rar1.7 MB0xFE05F88E

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On Wednesday February 7, 2018 François Lamarre said:

Use a short file name path in 8.3 car.
Compatible with Win95/98/ME/WXP.
Can play only old .avi files, not the new .avi file format.
Can play .mpg files in WXP with the Other Codec option.
Can work with FFDShow codecs.
There's a bug in the audio with new .avi file format, audio doesn't work.
That's all I have to say, it's my 1st upload on Vetusware, thanks for saving old software! :¬)

Frank from Canada