MIRO 3.0

Category: Other
Year: 1995
Description:Miro is a aplication builder. It guides the user in the creation of tables, menus and programs that are generated in the Clipper Language.
Manufacturer: Miro Informatica
Localization: PT

Files to download

#6270Miro.zip1.7 MB0x61093D61Fake?

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On Saturday July 22, 2017 paulo said:

It is generating an error whe start creating the application
it generate a DOS error 2 on creating NTX file. I know this problem and I know it has a solution but I do not remember
Esta gerando erro quando começa a criar a aplicação. Ele gera dos error 2 na criação do arquivo ntx. eu sei que tem solução mas não lembro qual é

On Wednesday November 18, 2009  said:

OMG! I cant believe! lol...
Thank you very much!