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On Sunday May 4, 2008 guest (guest) said:
1) You have to compile it yourself, in theory by typing "make". This of course only works if you have a development environment installed. This is not the case for most of the current distros :( Also note Linus' note in the Makefile. 2) I wouldn't trust this tarball (make could do anything on your computer), and this is free software, so why not just get this (or older versions) from the original source: www . kernel . org / pub / linux / kernel / Historic / (remove the spaces, no urls allowed in comments :-/ ) 3) this is only a kernel, not a complete OS. Note the missing GNU/(linux). See http : / / en . wikipedia .org / wiki / GNU
On Tuesday January 15, 2008 Guest (guest) said:
There was three relases before this,(at least) cheked wikipedia finland (Linux is from finland =D).
On Tuesday November 21, 2006 graham (guest) said:
Dates back to 1991
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