IBM Personal Decision Series Reports+ Edition 1.00

Category: Office
Year: 1985
Description:Reports+ is a program generator that lets you design your own reports and screens, and enables you to design applications that can be run under the Personal Decision Series Data program. Reports+ provides these key features and functions: - A report design aid that lets you design the report as you would like to see it printed. - Control over report elements, such as layout, print styles, inserted date and page numbers, title, and column headings. - Ability to print up to 200 fields per report. - Support for multiple print styles in one report. - Support for printing in monochrome or color. - A screen design aid that lets you custom design screens for inquiry or data entry-up to ten screens per program. - Support for multiple file types and data formats. - Ability to combine information from up to six Personal Decision Series Data files into one program. - An application development facility that lets you perform calculations, select records and fields, and incorporate all the functions of a general-purpose programming language. - An interface to the BASIC code in your program. - Help information for quick reference. - Standardized function keys. Archive includes two 360k 5.25" floppy disk images. Requires 256K ram, DOS 2.0 or higher, and IBM Personal Decision Series Data Edition
Manufacturer: IBM
Localization: EN

Files to download

#19558IBM Personal Decision Series Reports Plus Edition 1.00 (5.25-360k).7z1.7 MB0x2DFFDD3
#19559IBM Personal Decision Series Reports Plus Edition 1.00 Manual.7z97 MB0xB4397302

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