GW Basic version 3.22 3.22

Category: Utility
Year: 1987
Description:The legendary GW-BASIC programming language.
Manufacturer: Microsoft
Localization: EN

Files to download

#5700gwbasic.zip59 KB0xE12938DB

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On Wednesday June 21, 2017 Aiza Aly said:

Please anyone provide me the tutorials links for learning gw basic. As I download the GW Basic from here.​ic-free-download/

On Tuesday March 24, 2009  said:

Usefull things to note for this language:
The following "Colours" (defined as COLOR number) are allowed:
0 Black
1 Blue
2 Green
3 Teal
4 Red
5 Magenta
6 Orange
7 Silver
8 Grey
9 Lilac
10 Mint
11 Cyan
12 Coral
13 Light Magenta
14 Yellow
15 White
16 Black Flashing
17 Blue Flashing
18 Green Flashing
19 Teal Flashing
20 Red Flashing
21 Magenta Flashing
22 Orange Flashing
23 Silver Flashing
24 Grey Flashing
25 Lilac Flashing
26 Mint Flashing
27 Cyan Flashing
28 Coral Flashing
29 Light Magenta Flashing
30 Yellow Flashing
31 White Flashing