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On Wednesday December 9, 2009 ppegasus2 said:
How I can setup framework on Windows 98?
On Monday March 17, 2008 guest (guest) said:
Framework was probably the first attempt at a windows based application in a DOS environment that one opened a word processor and spreadsheet and other apps simultaneously
On Monday December 17, 2007 mitchell marshall (guest) said:
First practicle software to combine spreadsheet, data base and word processor into a single, coordinated program with common key strokes. Microsoft used this idea and combined it with another software idea, graphical user interface, conceived by another company, And now you know the rest of the story. It was a very useful business software solution at the time for my construction company. US government offices also used it effectively. I still have the Ashton Tate, Framework II, v. 1.1 installation discs and manual. I found Framework II to be a solid and useful program that ran without troublesome glitches.
On Sunday June 3, 2007 guest2 (guest) said:
It still exists! Check out This old version is good for running on DOS palmtops like the 200LX or in a DOS emulator on a Windows CE palmtop.
On Sunday May 13, 2007 killproc61 (guest) said:
In the good 'ol days with this you where able to run a company:database spreadsheet word processor and a sort of PIM/agenda. All in one package similar to IBM "simphony"
On Monday April 23, 2007 guest (guest) said:
This is a multiple database entry system that is fully programmable for use on small systems. Excellent for small business applications.
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