First Publisher 3.0

Category: Office
Year: 1990
Description:PFS: First Publisher 3.0 for DOS - GUI desktop publisher for good old DOS
Manufacturer: Bitstream Inc.
Localization: EN

Files to download

#3599PFS_First_Publisher_3.0.zip1.3 MB0xE673EDE1

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On Friday January 25, 2013  said:

The really awesome thing about this program is that it could squeeze out more DPI resolution on certain dot-matrix printers than most similar programs. The output on my Epson Spectrum LX-80 was comparable to a low end inkjet. Photocopy the results and you might even think the source was a laser printer.

On Thursday October 6, 2011 Joey Lyman said:

Unpacks and runs properly, GUI. Works on my 8088 with VGA.

On Tuesday November 14, 2006 guest (guest) said:

great software