ESX Server 2.5.2

Category: OS
Year: 2005
Description:This is the ESX hypervisor 2.5.2. This is a multipart zip but Vetusware won't let me use the extensions .001 .002 etc, so rename them to something like and it may unzip fine. I donno. Try these serial numbers. 0KMF5-06E02-0250J-42JAH / 0TW0J-084FW-0C3AJ-42125 / SMP: 0JWA5-00H6X-0962J-48H2H
Manufacturer: VMware Inc.
Localization: EN
OS: Unix

Files to download MB0x3741636FFake? MB0x6CE5C2B0 MB0x3793A2A7 MB0x908A2173
#20041VC-1.3.1-GOLD.iso.7z57.9 MB0x97638225

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On Monday August 19, 2024 Jeremy S said:

Do anyone struggling with extracting this, just delete the .zip extension from each file. so you should end up with .001, .002, etc. 7zip will then know how to combine all the parts back together and extract the iso.

On Wednesday July 17, 2024 Jay R said:

These will combine and extract just fine using 7zip for windows or p7zip for linux.
archive is NOT corrupt.

On Tuesday November 28, 2023 xiaolonglee said:

The archive is corrupt