DataStar 1.4

Category: DBMS
Year: 1983
Description:DataStar 1.4 is a desktop database for early IBM PCs and compatibles. This archive contains one 160k disk image in raw IMG, ImageDisk, Teledisk, and CopyIIPC+Snatchit format. There appears to be no copy protection. Note that this disk is formatted for DOS 1.1x, which WinImage does not support.
Manufacturer: Micropro
Localization: EN

Files to download

#13370MicroPro DataStar 1.4.7z79.9 KB0x3975659E
#16236DataStar 1.4 Manual.7z62.5 MB0x1F83F78D

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On Wednesday February 19, 2014 ibmpc5171 said:

You seems to have many of 5.25" software.
Can you send about this Email : ?
I also have many of copy protected disk.
I always dump it by Teledisk , TCOB.