DOS4GW 2.01

Category: System
Year: 1997
Description:One of the oldest and most powerful DOS extenders.
Manufacturer: Rational Systems
Localization: EN

Files to download

#51DOS4G201.ZIP187.7 KB0xCE312536Fake?

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On Saturday January 18, 2025 alan russell said:

i could not find what i logged in for. which was desqview for dos

On Tuesday August 1, 2023 Kirn Gill II said:

This isn't DOS/4GW, this is actually DOS/4G, the full version of the program. DOS/4GW was the cut-down limited version that was bundled with Watcom compilers, and DOS/4GW Pro was the "enhanced" version of DOS/4GW that was similar to DOS/4G in capabilities. DOS/4G (this file) is the most complete version of them all.

On Sunday December 17, 2017 jayus said:

ok verry good

On Wednesday May 9, 2012 wea said:

you'r great!!