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On Monday May 30, 2022 Geist said:
Executables doesn't run on Windows 7 (and most likely on newer Windows too), run them uder DOSBox (or in real DOS). Probably LBIND is the linker (or it requires external linker, there are references to LINK.EXE / LINK2.EXE); didn't go that far.
On Wednesday September 23, 2020 foxycublover said:
Where is the linker?
On Saturday January 24, 2015 ouhker said:
lattice C was once so famous as K and R mentioned it. .. set the environment put all the os2*.h in another include directory put all the remaining *.h in include directory. .. the compiler lc.exe also runs under OS2, (cannot run under DOS), trick: .. use "debug.exe" to force "lc.exe" to run in real mode. content of run.bat (compare the demo.bat), suppose the debug lc.exe -Lgm -n -v -md hello.c .. when in "debug" and type "g" and "enter" type "q" after compilation .. The hello.exe generated can run under DOS/Command Prompt (real mode).
lattice C was once so famous as K and R mentioned it. .. set the environment put all the os2*.h in another include directory put all the remaining *.h in include directory. .. the compiler lc.exe also runs under OS2, (cannot run under DOS), trick: .. use "debug.exe" to force "lc.exe" to run in real mode. content of run.bat (compare the demo.bat) debug lc.exe -Lgm -n -v -md hello .. when in "debug" and type "g" and "enter" type "q" after compilation .. The hello.exe generated can run under DOS/Command Prompt (real mode).
On Monday June 15, 2009 Fred321 said:
Ok it finally downloaded...
Be nice if it could be downloaded!
On Wednesday March 4, 2009 butterpecan said:
Cool! Thanks.
On Wednesday February 18, 2009 Hobbes said:
This is the Lattice C Compiler version 3.30 for DOS and OS/2.
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