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On Saturday January 25, 2025 Gregory Baker said:
No seriel number so wgere is it?
On Wednesday March 13, 2024 Dave said:
Programm asks me to insert a CD-Drive after i entered all the credentials :(
On Wednesday December 13, 2023 Trippi WEis said:
very old thread but i found a fix for win10 64bit machines since both previous links are dead now. dl from this link here: extract and use "install" shortcut. After doing so u should be able to execute the original setup file without issues ! :)
On Thursday July 20, 2023 MTFOXTROT said:
it keeps asking me to insert the CD as a precaution when I am doing above ^ does anyone have advice? Know it is 2 year old thread but could use some help.
On Thursday May 25, 2023 trux09 said:
Installed VM w/Windows XP and worked
On Wednesday May 24, 2023 trux09 said:
It does not work for me. Once placed the installer, when clicked on it, nothing shows up.
On Saturday May 13, 2023 sheep said:
v PROTOX1, I was able to install just fine. if you can't find the is3engine download, you can find one here under the installshield3 header
On Thursday March 30, 2023 PROTOX1 said:
this link is dead. reup?
On Friday March 17, 2023 Hafidz Fihri said:
Step provided by lastivka01 perfectly working, now i can run Bryce 3D on my modern PC. Download bryce installer from the link above and unzip the folder, then proceed to download the other file just like lastivka01 commented If you have error while visiting the link just delete the leaving the main website domain then manually type and the file will downloaded automatically. Before you can use the software you can easily activate the software with serial key already provided by lastivka01, if error pop up shown and tells to load the CD, then you need to download Bryce 3D iso from, you can simply load the .iso file by just double clicking it and then reactivate.
On Wednesday March 1, 2023 wernerhuber said:
original setup.exe of course doesn't work and I tried what lastivka01 provided. The link doesn't work, but you can find the file if you go to the site. I downloaded and "replacing" is just deleting one and putting the other? Cause when I click on it, nothing happens.
On Sunday February 26, 2023 maxedoubt said:
I've done everything lastivka01 explained, yet nothing is happening when I run the new setup.exe from the link provided. I replaced the original setup.exe with the new one, copied the crack.exe into the Bryce folder, and all I get from running the setup.exe is the "are you sure" from Windows 10. I click Yes and nothing happens. Are there any other steps a noob should know about? Thanks
On Monday June 21, 2021 hamburgerhelper said:
The link lastivka01 shared didn't work for me, if this also happens to you I recommend using this link and downloading the version at the top: (its the same site btw no shady stuff)
On Sunday May 2, 2021 Javis said:
Just to add onto the last comment; it's forced fullscreen with no way to make it windowed from what I can tell. You can however make the UI scale better by going into document setup by moving the cursor to the top of the screen and clicking "file". This of course will also result in a larger render as well.
On Friday March 12, 2021 lastivka01 said:
Although this program can be installed and used in Windows 10, you will need to use a replacement setup file, as the original one is a 16-bit one, and will refuse to install on a 64-bit system. The original setup file can be replaced with the one available from: After unzipping the Bryce zip file, replace the setup.exe file in the folder with this replacement one, and it will install! This trick will work with any old 16-bit Installishield installer. Read more here: By the way, before first starting Bryce, make sure you copy the crack.exe file into the Bryce program folder, and after staring Bryce, type into the box the following registration info: NAME: RiSE COMPANY: RiSE SERIAL: 200500001507800 Although the program window can be maximised on your screen, the actual working area remains very small - in line with its 1997 vintage! :)
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