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On Sunday December 11, 2022 mariano mendez said:
I need the sco C compiler for System V R4.2 Anyone knows where to find it?
On Saturday July 31, 2021 dathckr said:
WARNING: If you want to intstall this disk with VirtualBox, please set your memory to 514MB. 515MB and up must cause system error and the UNIX screen is display like this:PANIC : HD command aborted, Trying to dump.... And if you want install to real hardware, MAKE SURE you HAVE a disk or partition less than 514MB!
On Saturday November 9, 2019 OldBlueBear said:
November 2019 Attempting to boot U14 after dd-ing to a "real 3 1/2" floppy". Machine is a core2 HP laptop with USB floppy dive. Runs for a while puts copy right then then says PANIC unable to load media. Happened twice, two different disks. after cleany floppy drive heads, and making a new U16. will try this new download, and a new floppy drive when it arrives. Eventually I will suceed ! 73s, OBB
On Tuesday December 22, 2015 giuseppeLin23 said:
As i know,TCP/IP Gui(is not joke,AT&T unix use the old Openwindows,and also manual page were sold as separate packages(sic!),and searching on net i can never found a source for get it. And also i don't know the source of this release wich is the same of torrent,winworldpc and other sites. The only things i know for sure 1)Is incomplete 2)Source is unknown 3)Is not the latest release,the latest is 3.2 wich is really similar to SCO SystemV 3.2(as i know AT&T give to SCO the license of SVr4)
On Thursday December 17, 2015 kewlgreen said:
Managed to get this running in VirtualBox 5.0.10 r104061. Unfortunately no TCP/IP (Networking). If anyone has any info on how to get it work please let me know! --Tyler
On Sunday August 30, 2015 Elmer Kringle said:
System V Release 4 didn't shipped without man pages. That was one of the critics chief complaints about the release.
On Sunday April 5, 2015 giuseppeLin23 said:
IS incomplete,X,manpages and tcp ip are missing. Maybe the latest version will float? I'm talking about 4 3.0
On Friday January 30, 2015 Richard rc said:
On Tuesday January 13, 2015 roz333 said:
It crashes bochs using U13 x.x
On Saturday December 13, 2014 rmagalhaess said:
IMA files do not open with WinImage.
On Tuesday November 11, 2014 mlsboombox said:
Tried booting from U14.IMA in VBox 4.3.18 gives message "Booting the UNIX System ..." but never finishes. How long does it take to boot normally on VBox? Thanks in advance
On Monday October 6, 2014 dsv1999 said:
Works without problems on VirtualBox 4.3.12. To work you need to set OS type In VBox to Windows 3.1. Boot form U14.IMA and follow the onscreen instructions.
On Saturday June 7, 2014 Lynn Weeks said:
The file size tells you what format they are. (^; 1474560 = 1.44 MB floppy disk image: 80 tracks 18 sectors per track 512 bytes per sector 2 sides
On Friday July 27, 2012 milano289 said:
I've got them to work under Qemu, unfortunately not on my real hardware. I used sequence U14, U16, U17, U18, U19, U20, U21, U22, U25, U23 for the base installation. Looks like it is unbundled, no CC included?
On Monday April 16, 2012 vsk said:
Anyone able to mount other disks in package after base install, as it looks like lacking some basic tools like netstat? Trying to mount Network Support Utilities disk but with no luck.
On Sunday December 19, 2010 reverendsean said:
is this even meant for x86 arcitecture? I assume this is to be used on a DEC PDP- simulator of some sort, right?
On Saturday November 27, 2010 levinard said:
@shortbaldman You got it to run in BOCHS? Tell me how! I tried but the installer said it won't install on computers with a drive type or something? Please shortbaldman, help me!
does these work in some emulators? what computer I will need to get this thing working? and is it a gui or a "command-line" interface? What disk do I start with? I'm really confused. Can somebody help me please?
is it really the install disks for the at&t unix os?
On Thursday August 5, 2010 renato da Silveira Martini said:
The boot disk is the U14.IMA file... In my Qemu box (Mac OS X) it boots but hang after the sys copyrights msgs
On Monday May 3, 2010 Moeed said:
THE .ima files here are in raw format use raw write win (32bit gui version) for windows to write floppies.I testeg it on a dell pentium-3 and also on vm-ware emulator
On Thursday January 28, 2010 shortbaldman said:
This boots and runs well under bochs. I haven't got it to run so far with VirtualBox. I used a 40Mb disk image file.
On Friday January 22, 2010 chiaki said:
i got it from a torrent with below notice AT&T UNIX System V Release 4 Version 2.1 I have converted the disk images from the original Teledisk (TD0) format to standard raw images. Boot from base1.img and follow the on-screen instructions to install the base system. Then boot into Unix, and install the additional packages using: # pkgadd -d diskette1 Enjoy!
On Sunday January 3, 2010 Peter Hicks said:
I've been unable to boot successfully on qemu and VirtualBox. Note: Only U13.IMA, U14.IMA and U16.IMA are bootable disks.
On Tuesday September 22, 2009 said:
(Continued from previous comment...) U14.IMA Base 2.1a 1 of 10 U15.IMA Base 2.1 2 of 10 U16.IMA Base 2.1a 2 of 10 U17.IMA Base 2.1 3 of 10 U18.IMA Base 2.1 4 of 10 U19.IMA Base 2.1 5 of 10 U20.IMA Base 2.1 6 of 10 U21.IMA Base 2.1 7 of 10 U22.IMA Base 2.1 8 of 10 U23.IMA Base 2.1 10 of 10 U24.IMA Maintanance 1 2.1 1 of 2 U25.IMA Base 2.1 9 of 10 U26.IMA Printer Pkg 2.1 3 of 3 U27.IMA Printer Pkg 2.1 2 of 3 U28.IMA Printer Pkg 2.1 1 of 3 U29.IMA 16 to unlimited 2.1 1 of 1 User License U30.IMA 2 to 16 User 2.1 1 of 1 License Any idea which disk I boot from?
Contents of actual Readme: AT&T UNIX System V Release 4 Version 2.1 LABEL Version X of X AT&T UNIX SVR4.0 2.1 -------------------------------------------------- U01.IMA Maintanace Disk1 2.1 2 of 2 U02.IMA Remote Terminal 2.1 1 of 1 Package U03.IMA BSD Comp. Pkg. 2.1 1 of 2 U04.IMA BSD Comp. Pkg. 2.1 2 of 2 U05.IMA Networking Supp. 2.1 1 of 1 Util. Pkg. U06.IMA Xenix Comp. Pkg 2.1 1 of 1 U07.IMA FACE Pkg. 2.1 1 of 1 U08.IMA FMLI Pkg. 2.1 1 of 1 U09.IMA Editing Utils. 2.1 1 of 1 U10.IMA OA&M Basic & Ext. 2.1 1 of 3 U11.IMA OA&M Basic & Ext. 2.1 2 of 3 U12.IMA OA&M Basic & Ext. 2.1 3 of 3 U13.IMA Foundation Set 2.1 1 of 10 Base System Pkg. 2 User System (Continued next comment...)
English translation of main text file(ALIRE=README): This archive contains the disk images (files. IMA). Do not copy these files directly to floppy disks. These images are in themselves an entire volume. Must use a tool like WinImage Windows or Linux dd for copying the contents of the raw image on a real disk. You can also use them directly in a PC emulator without a physical write on a diskette. WinImage is available at: You can also use RAWRITE command line. Under Linux, a command: dd if = fichierimage.ima of = / dev/fd0 or fichierimage.ima cat> / dev/fd0 with administrator privileges The use of disk images is required for installation of systems operations (notably because of the boot sector and file format) There are other utilities that WinImage, some run under Linux, MacOS, Amiga, ...
As the disks are for install or boot, they have their own format, meaning you can't just open them up to view them. They ought to work in VPC though - I haven't tried yet, I'll post an update when I do... (I didn't upload this software, btw)
On Saturday September 19, 2009 said:
WinImage can't open the IMA-files in this package. What format are they in?
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