386max 8.03

Category: System
Year: 1997
Description:Untested version. Not sure which year this was released in.
Manufacturer: Qualitas
Localization: EN

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#5324386Max 8.03.zip2 MB0x106D35EE

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On Saturday November 27, 2021 Jay said:

Release date for 8.0 is somewhere 1997, but the 8.03 release has: Jul 07 1998

On Monday January 12, 2015 Highwinder said:

386MAX was a fantastic memory manager, but it didn't have all the features or power of QEMM. However, I'll give it this - it was stable. QEMM, for all its power and features, was astonishingly crash-prone.

On Wednesday May 22, 2013  said:

According to the setup, this was released in 1997. It even includes support for Windows 3.1 and 95!