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On Monday January 12, 2015 Highwinder said:
386MAX was a fantastic memory manager, but it didn't have all the features or power of QEMM. However, I'll give it this - it was stable. QEMM, for all its power and features, was astonishingly crash-prone.
On Wednesday October 29, 2014 colecaonintendo said:
Great manager for memory in old computers!
On Sunday May 23, 2010 said:
This is actually Qualitas - 386Max version 8.03.004 in 2 install directories (not floppy images). Installed and works fine under MS-DOS 6.22, doesn't seem to work on FreeDOS. Not a Fake.
On Monday October 12, 2009 kinnsy said:
try one of these. 820600430304 820600430043 820600433004 820600430430
On Monday September 21, 2009 said:
Looks real but it needs the 11 digit code.
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