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Office / Lotus
AmiPro 3.0
I also have the printed manual, but I'm not going to take the time to scan 600+ pages. I'm in the Los Angeles, California area, just north of Knott's Berry Farm amusement park. If somebody wants the manual, let me know.
Office / Lotus Software
Amipro 3.0
Works perfectly. Unrar it. Each setup disk has its own folder. If you want to just run the install from your hard disk, throw all the files into one folder. Let it overwrite any files and then run install.exe.
Office / GoodSoftware
AmortizerPlus for Windows 1.0
Amortization program for Windows 3.0 and above. dosk has ser. 13881
Office / Individual Software Inc.
Anytime Organizer for Windows 2.0
Anytime Organizer for Windows v2.0 - Individual Software Inc. January 30, 1994 1 - 1.44 Mb diskette Serial: N/A (embedded in SN.DAT) Price: $49.95 OS: Windows 3.1 or greater The program has three main components: - Day Planner - Address Book - To-Do-List AnyTime Organizer is a complete personal information manager that helps you keep track of day-to-day appointments, events, expenses, and to-do items. You can keep a list of family, friends, and business contacts using the Address Book. - AppleSeed 2017 -
Office / Computer Support Corporation
Arts and Letters Express 5.0
Arts and letters 5.0 is a graphics drawing program for Windows 3.1. This is missing the installation serial number. If anyone has one, please post below.
Office / Jonathan Mathews Software
Ascgen - ASCII Generator Public Beta 13 Beta 13
Morph pictures to ASCII text. This is a public beta release of the ASCII Generator or ASCGEN (pronounced A-S-C-Gen), and is therefore not guaranteed to work on your system (but it should). Please send me an email if you like the program, or can see anything that needs fixing/adding/etc. You are encouraged to mirror this zip file, and pass it around to your friends.
Office / Ashlar Incorporated
Ashlar Vellum 1.01 for Windows
Ashlar Vellum is a CAD package for mechanical engineers and designers, that includes the ability to intelligently predict where the user wants to connect the next object. There were both "2D" and "3D" versions. This version is for Windows 3.0
Office / Autodesk
AutoCad R13 for Windows 3.1 R13
First of Windows version of AutoCad. It works perfect. All 2D/3D commands is ok. A little bit hard installing it in Windows3.1 with Dosbox. But you can easly install it Windows 3.1 with Virtual PC. Beacuse It can simulate share.exe or vshare.386 system. But Dosbox not ! My opinion, first instal it in Virtual PC Windows 3.1, then copy All Win31 folders and Autocad folders to DosBox. It works perfect with Dosbox and Dosbox Turbo !. Your android can have AutoCad R13.
Office / Borland
Borland Quattro Pro 6 EN v6.0
Installed and run successfully on a Windows 3.11 system running on DosBox-X under a Windows 10 host. Installation instructions found in "IMP- Instructions.pdf" & "IMP- Instructions.txt" found in the downloadable *.zip file.
Office / Borland Inc.
Borland Quattro Pro 6.0 6.0
Set of 8 floppy 3.1/2 images of Borland (Novell) Quattro Pro 6 For Windows
Office / Borland Software
Borland Quattro Pro For Windows 1.0 (German)
This is the German language version of the Quattro Pro for Windows 1.0 spreadsheet. This is missing a serial number, if anyone has the serial please post it below.
Office / Computer Associates
CA-Compete! 4.2 4.2
CA-Compete! is a multidimensional modeling and data viewing tool that looks and works much like a spreadsheet. A CA-Compete! model, however, can contain many more dimensions than are provided in the standard two- or three-dimensional spreadsheets, allowing you to capture and analyze the complexities and dynamics of real world business problems and situations. With a powerful set of tools, functions, and reporting capabilities, CA-Compete! can help you reduce the time required to create analyses while increasing their sophistication and value. One of the greatest attributes of CA-Compete! is its flexibility. A model can have as many as 12 dimensions of data where you define the number and type of relationships between each dimension. Dimensions can represent different elements of a business or categories of data. For example, you might want to track the financial performance of products over time for each of several regions — a four-dimensional analysis. You could expand the model to include other relevant dimensions of data, such as distribution channels, different scenarios, or competitors. ❤︎ INSTALLATION: Can be installed either by using the 2 floppy disk folders, or all the files can be copied into one folder and used without installation. ❤︎ MANUALS: Download includes PDF copies of the original user manuals.
Office / Computer Associates International, Inc.
CA-Cricket Graph 1.3.1
Cricket Graph, from Cricket Software and later Computer Associates, was a best selling presentation graphics program, and a companion product to CA-Cricket Presents (formerly Xerox Presents). This program can create a variety of graphs, such as line, bar and pie charts. CA-Cricket Presents can then import the graphs in to presentations. This version is for Windows 3.0
Office / Computer Associates International
CA-SuperProject 3.0
Project management software for Microsoft Windows. Pert, WBS, common resources for multiple projects. Multiple views: tasks, resources, dates, etc. Wysiwyg reports. Windows LAN.
Office / Cadlogic Systems Corporation
Cadlogic Instinct 0.80 Beta
Instinct is a computer aided design drafting tool designed for Microsoft Windows 1.x. It was designed specifically with ease of use in mind, and was among the few early applications designed for Microsoft Windows 1.
Cadlogic Instinct 1.0
Instinct is a computer aided design drafting tool designed for Microsoft Windows 1.x.
Office / Flow Simulation International Ltd.
Calc 95 3.3h
Calc95 A replacement for the calculator program which is included with Windows, with many additional features and advantages. There is a 32-bit version as well, it comes with a special font that improves the look of the function buttons.
Office / Microsoft
Cardfile (16-bit) 3.11
En español. Cardfile estuvo disponible en toda la gama 3.x pero no en la 9x. Siendo una aplicación de 16 bits, es compatible con 9x/Me. (2000,XP,Vista,7 [32 Bits])
Office / Claris Corp
Claris Draw 1.0Fv2
ClarisDraw was the final incarnation of MacDraw, one of the early Macintosh applications. Development of Apple's drawing program ended in 1997 when Claris was dismembered. This is the Windows 3.11 version ! Works nice under Win XP.
Office / Claris Corporation
Claris Impact 2.0
Claris Impact was a presentation and chart software program made for the Apple Macintosh computer developed by Claris.
Claris Works For Windows 3.0
Office Suite.
ClarisWorks 1.0Fv1
ClarisWorks 1.0 shipped for the Macintosh in 1991 and subsequently ported to the Windows platform, shipping as ClarisWorks 1.0 for Windows in 1993. ClarisWorks combined * a word processor, * a drawing program, * a spreadsheet, * a database program, * and a terminal program for communications.
ClarisWorks 3.0Fv1
ClarisWorks combined * a word processor, * a drawing program, * a painting program, * a spreadsheet, * a database program. All the components were integrated to provide a seamless suite that worked in concert. This archive contains a compatibility patch for Windows XP.
Office / Claris
ClarisWorks for Windows-English 3.0
ClarisWorks is an integrated office suite that included a word processor, spreadsheet, database, painting program, drawing program, and presentation program.