Symantec C++ 7 for Dos/Win31/Win95/WinNT 7.0

Category: OS
Year: 1994
Description:The RAR files contain the .ISO of the original CD.
Manufacturer: Norton Computing
Localization: EN
OS: Windows NT/2000

Files to download

#11730symantec_cplusplus_7.part1.rar102.4 MB0xDB6CFD
#11731symantec_cplusplus_7.part2.rar102.4 MB0x759E65A3
#11732symantec_cplusplus_7.part3.rar102.4 MB0xB21B1455
#11733symantec_cplusplus_7.part4.rar53.6 MB0x6AA0797A

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On Monday November 14, 2016 ayn said:

sorry, i was wrong, it was just a download error, my fault in fact. i re-downloaded and unrared it. i have an ISO file

On Monday November 14, 2016 ayn said:

when extracting , I got the message:
CRC error and part 5 missing