RapidFile 1.2

Category: Utility
Year: 1989
Manufacturer: Ashton-Tate
Localization: EN

Files to download

#3698[DOS_Application]_Ashton_Tate_-_RapidFile_1.2_-_Installed.zip403.4 KB0x25FDA530

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On Tuesday June 16, 2015 William Anger said:

apparently they are here on this website at: http://vetusware.com/download/​RapidFile%201.2/?id=11409

On Friday December 14, 2012 Twombombadil said:

Not too unusual; WordPerfect Corp's DataPerfect was also written in Forth, according to the book "Almost Perfect".

On Saturday September 12, 2009  said:

This ZIP file does not contain copies of the original installation disks. It appears to contain a copy of somebody's installed Rapidfile. I haven't tested it because I already have my original version (in 2009, still in use daily).
I have previously seen copies of the original disks on private web sites and they could possibly still be found by dedicated seekers.

On Saturday June 21, 2008 guest (guest) said:

Simple flat file database produced by Ashton-Tate in the mid-1980s that is still a favorite with people who only want to keep track of simple records.

On Monday October 8, 2007 Chuck (guest) said:

RapidFile is a flat database program. Unsual that it was written in Forth. Was super fast (in memory data, if my own memory serves me right). Had table, forms, and reports view. I used to support it at Ashton-Tate, around 1988 or so.