MS-DOS 6.22 6.22

Category: OS
Year: 1994
Description:MS-DOS 6.22
Manufacturer: Microsoft
Localization: EN

Files to download

#5155MS-DOS_6.22.zip3.5 MB0xB021A390
#15952dos6.22.7z822 KB0x546CA109
#16393MS-DOS-6.22.rar3.5 MB0xDDB08C58

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On Wednesday July 11, 2012 bradfuller99 said:

Can you use a CD Drive in this version? I'm trying not to sound like a noob right now.

On Saturday December 11, 2010 Tejas said:

This is a great product! Lets me screw around with VGA again.. yay

On Friday December 3, 2010 JesseBu said:

Thanks. Great DOS operating System! :)