C Compiler 3.30

Category: System
Year: 1988
Manufacturer: Lattice
Localization: EN

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#4027[DOS Application] Lattice - C Compiler 3.30 - Installed.zip1.2 MB0xB9094054

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On Monday May 30, 2022 Geist said:

Executables doesn't run on Windows 7 (and most likely on newer Windows too), run them uder DOSBox (or in real DOS).
Probably LBIND is the linker (or it requires external linker, there are references to LINK.EXE / LINK2.EXE); didn't go that far.

On Wednesday September 23, 2020 foxycublover said:

Where is the linker?

On Saturday January 24, 2015 ouhker said:

lattice C was once so famous as K and R mentioned it.
set the environment
put all the os2*.h in another include directory
put all the remaining *.h in include directory.
the compiler lc.exe also runs under OS2, (cannot run under DOS),
use "debug.exe" to force "lc.exe" to run in real mode.
content of run.bat (compare the demo.bat), suppose the
debug lc.exe -Lgm -n -v -md hello.c
when in "debug"
and type "g" and "enter"
type "q" after compilation
The hello.exe generated can run under DOS/Command Prompt (real mode).

On Saturday January 24, 2015 ouhker said:

lattice C was once so famous as K and R mentioned it.
set the environment
put all the os2*.h in another include directory
put all the remaining *.h in include directory.
the compiler lc.exe also runs under OS2, (cannot run under DOS),
use "debug.exe" to force "lc.exe" to run in real mode.
content of run.bat (compare the demo.bat)
debug lc.exe -Lgm -n -v -md hello
when in "debug"
and type "g" and "enter"
type "q" after compilation
The hello.exe generated can run under DOS/Command Prompt (real mode).

On Monday June 15, 2009 Fred321 said:

Ok it finally downloaded...

On Monday June 15, 2009 Fred321 said:

Be nice if it could be downloaded!

On Wednesday March 4, 2009 butterpecan said:

Cool! Thanks.

On Wednesday February 18, 2009 Hobbes said:

This is the Lattice C Compiler version 3.30 for DOS and OS/2.